DAS LogoR⋆STARS Training Manual

Chapter #9

Revenue Cycle

Table of Contents


Accounts Receivable

Profiles That Impact Accounts Receivable

25 The Agency Control Profile

53 Agency Document Control Profile

34 Agency Vendor Profile

54 Agency Receivable Document Exemption Profile

94 Agency Message Profile

91 Report Request Profile

95 Report Distribution Profile

Establishing Accounts Receivable

Transaction Codes for Accounts Receivable

Invoices and Statements

Delinquent Accounts

Accounts Receivable Inquiry

Accounts Receivable Reports

Cash Receipts

Entering Cash Receipts

Transaction Codes for Cash Receipts

Deposit Reconciliation

Overview of Process

Profiles that Impact Deposit Reconciliation

D36 Agency Code 3 – Treasury Account Number

D53 Titles Profile – Treasury Fund Number

D23 Fund Profile

26 Program Cost Account Profile

Determining if Agency Deposits Reconcile

Control Reports

Requestable Reports

On-line Inquiry

13 Deposit Research

12 Manual Deposit Release

What To Do If A Deposit Does Not Reconcile

Revenue Transfers

Revenue Inquiry

Revenue Reports



R⋆STARS has six types of transactions that are part of the Revenue Cycle.They include:

◾ Revenue Budgeting

◾ Accrual Recognition

◾ Collection of Accruals

◾ Cash Receipts not Previously Accrued

◾ Revenue Transfers

◾ Expenditure Refunds

◾ Deferred Revenue Recognition

◾ Accumulation of Interest on Delinquent Receivables

Accruals are revenues that have been earned but not yet received.These include:

◾ Accounts receivable due from other agencies

◾ Accounts receivable for external grant and project billings

◾ Taxes receivable

In this chapter we will cover Accounts Receivable, Cash Receipts, Revenue Transfers and Deposit Reconciliation.


Accounts Receivable

R⋆STARS contains features that assist in managing Accounts Receivable.These include:

◾ Generation of invoices – including the capability to attach “customized” messages to individual invoices

◾ Generation of statements and delinquent notices

◾ Accumulation of interest and late fee charges

◾ Tracking of documents by Customer and Document Number

◾ Provision of accounts receivable reports to assist in the management of receivables


Profiles That Impact Accounts Receivable

If an agency is considering using R⋆STARS to track Accounts Receivable, they will need to review or set up several profiles.These include:


Agency Control Profile


Agency Document Control Profile


Agency Vendor Profile


Agency Receivable Document Exemption Profile


Agency Message Profile


Report Request Profile


Report Distribution Profile


25 Agency Control Profile

 S025   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 08:50 AM

 LINK TO:                    AGENCY CONTROL PROFILE                        PROD


        AGENCY: 634     FISCAL YEAR: 10

     COST        RUN IND:       RUN TYPE:        NO STEPS:      LAST STEP:


   CA RANGE   FROM:     TO:       CA TYPES:


     DEFAULT-  IDX:          PCA:       REV COMP/AGY OBJ:




       COMP OBJ REQD ON D11: Y

          FIXED ASSET - IND: N  THRESHOLDS - CAP:        INV:         CAPTURE:


          LAST MONTH CLOSED: 03         AGY BUD BY ORG IND: N    (Y OR N)


         REPORTING MONTH/YR: 01 10           LABOR RUN IND: N    (Y,N OR A)



  EFF START DATE: 07012009   EFF END DATE:            LAST PROC DATE: 10192009




The INTEREST CALC RUN/MONTH indicators on the 25 Profile affect Accounts Receivable.

◾ The INTEREST CALC RUN indicator determines if the interest on delinquent accounts will be calculated during the nightly batch cycle (Yes or No).Most of the time this indicator will be N, indicating not to run the interest calculation that night.

◾ The INTEREST CALC MONTH indicator determines the fiscal month that the interest will be run.July is the first fiscal month (01), the ninth fiscal month is March (09).

If the FREQUENCY CONTROL on the 91 Report Request Profile is A for Invoices, Statements, or Delinquent Notices, the REPORT MONTH/YR will impact the printing of these documents.


53 Agency Document Control Profile

 S053   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 08:43 AM

 LINK TO:                AGENCY DOCUMENT CONTROL PROFILE                   PROD








        INTEREST RATE: 18.00        COMP OBJ: 0800  AGENCY OBJ: 0801

             LATE FEE:              COMP OBJ:       AGENCY OBJ:







       A/R DEF DUE DAYS: 010


                                                         STATUS CODE: A

 EFF START DATE: 12232013    EFF END DATE:            LAST PROC DATE: 01082014




To calculate and record finance charges an agency must set up the 53 Profile for each Accounts Receivable Document Type.

The 53 Profile establishes the following items necessary for the system to calculate and record finance charges:

◾ Number of days past the due date to calculate interest or late fee

◾ Transaction Code to use in posting interest and late fee

◾ Interest rate

◾ Late fee amount

◾ Comptroller or Agency Object to use to post interest and late fee

◾ Whether to calculate simple or compound interest

If the Due Date is not entered on the batch transaction for an A/R, the A/R DEF DUE DAYS will determine the due date.

Oregon is not using the transfer to central collections feature.


34 Agency Vendor Profile

 S034   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 08:59 AM

 LINK TO:                  AGENCY VENDOR PROFILE                           PROD


              AGENCY: 165



         ALT NAME:    FEDERAL PUBLIC DEFEN           ALT #:

            ADDRESS1: 851 SW SIXTH AVE  SUITE 1375




                CITY: PORTLAND                 STATE: OR ZIP CODE: 97204

             COUNTRY:                          PHONE:


   PAYMENT DIST TYPE:           1099 IND:         FEI/SSN IND:



                                                   BU/WH EFF DATE:

                                                W9 REQUESTED DATE:

                                                         STATUS CODE: A

  EFF START DATE: 03031995   EFF END DATE:            LAST PROC DATE: 04071995




A Customer is a person or company that buys goods or services from the State of Oregon, and a Vendor sells goods and services to the State.In R⋆STARS these are both called Vendors.

◾ A Customer is set up in the 34 Profile

◾ A Vendor is set up in the 52 Systemwide Vendor Profile

Agencies assign their own vendor numbers and mail codes and maintain the 34 profile.

◾ All Agency Vendor numbers begin with 0

See the R⋆STARS Data Entry Guide, Chapter #6 for information about the fields on this profile.


54 Agency Receivable Document Exemption Profile

 S054   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 09:33 AM



                     AGENCY: 622   DOC NO: AR999999   FY: 10



          EXEMPT FROM:



                    TRANSFER TO COLLECTIONS: N (Y/N)


                              INTEREST RATE:








                                                         STATUS CODE: A

  EFF START DATE: 02152001   EFF END DATE:            LAST PROC DATE: 07212009





The agency uses the 54 Profile to exempt a specific document from interest and late fee calculations.

◾ A Receivable (document) can be exempted from all interest and late fee calculations.

◾ A Receivable (document) can be exempted from being sent delinquency notices (dunning notice).

◾ The interest rate used in the interest calculation can be specific to a Receivable (document).


94 Agency Message Profile

 S094   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 09:23 AM

 LINK TO:                    AGENCY MESSAGE PROFILE                       PROD


 AGY: 586  KEYWORD: DUNN30                PAGE: 01





 AT (503)555‑5555 EXT333.











                                                       STATUS CODE: A

  EFF START DATE: 08041995   EFF END DATE:            LAST PROC DATE: 11171995




R⋆STARS has a message feature that can be used to establish a library of messages for invoices.The agency assigns a keyword to each of these messages.When processing invoices a user can attach one of these messages to an invoice by entering the appropriate keyword in the message (MSG) field of the 515 Invoice Entry Screen.

Message can be entered into the library by going directly to the profile or while entering an Accounts receivable transaction and invoice.


91 Report Request Profile

 S091   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 09:27 AM

 LINK TO:                    REPORT REQUEST PROFILE                        PROD







 RANGE -        FROM DATE:             THRU DATE:




       AGENCY: 165      OR AGENCY GROUP:     ORG CODE:

 PROGRAM CODE:                            NACUBO FUND:

  APPROP FUND:                                   FUND:

  COMP OBJECT:                             AGY OBJECT:

      GL ACCT:                            AGY GL ACCT:

   SPEC SEL 1: 20090901   20090930         SPEC SEL 2: ARH00000   ARH99999


                                                        STATUS CODE: A

 EFF START DATE: 07012009   EFF END DATE:            LAST PROC DATE: 10012009





If the agency is going to use R⋆STARS to produce invoices, statements, and/or delinquent notices, a 91 Profile must be set up for each of these documents long with profiles for any of the A/R Related reports.

With this profile, the agency can ask the system to print invoices at a defined frequency.Several fields set the parameters:

◾ PERIOD determines the period of time for the data the system will use

◽ CM – Current month would print invoices created within the current month

◽ 01 to 12 – indicates a specific month to use

◾ FREQUENCY determines how frequently the system will print the documents

◽ Values include Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Annually or a specific day

◾ FREQ CONTROL determines whether the 97 System Management Profile or the 25 Profile will control the printing.

◽ If the 25 Profile controls the printing, the documents will only print when the reporting month/yr on the 25 Profile coincides with the Period and Frequency settings on the 91 Profile.


95 Report Distribution Profile

 S095   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 09:30 AM

 LINK TO:                  REPORT DISTRIBUTION PROFILE                     PROD







                          MEDIA TYPE: SPL1

                           DEVICE ID:

                              COPIES: 01




           CITY: SALEM    ZIP: 97310            MAIL CODE:




                                                        STATUS CODE: A

 EFF START DATE: 02101995   EFF END ;DATE:            LAST PROC DATE: 12051997




The 95 Report Distribution Profile provides the information needed to deliver the documents to the appropriate person.

It defines the address for the REQUESTER on the 91 Profile.

An agency may elect to remote print invoices, statements, and delinquent notices.This means that the documents would print on an agency printer.SFMS Operations in DAS sets up the profiles for remote printing.


Establishing Accounts Receivable

Look at the following example showing a user establishing a specific accounts receivable by entering the transaction in a batch:

Step 01: Create a Batch Header on the 500 Batch Header Entry screen with a BATCH TYPE of 2.

Step 02: After pressing  F10 -SAVE to save the Batch Header, the system will display the 504 Revenue/Receipts Transaction Entry screen.

 S504   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 09:37 AM



 DOC DATE:          EFF DATE: 010814  DUE DATE: 010814  SERV DATE: 010614

  CUR DOC/SFX: AR000903 001  REF DOC/SFX:               MOD:    AGENCY: 634



          PCA: 53040     FIP - BOR - FEDERAL FUNDS                 AY: 15


 AMOUNT: 00000012220.00  RVS:    DESC: fed land fees

  DOC COUNT: 00001  DOC AMT:  0000012220.00 DOC AGY: 634  FUND OVRD:


 PMT TYPE:   INT:       ADD1: 1150 N CURTIS RD

    BANK:               ADD2:

 DISC DT:        TM:    ADD3:

  PEN DT:        TM:    CITY:  BOISE                 ST: ID  ZIP: 83706 1234

 PEN AMT:                CHECK #:                 DEPOSIT #:

 G38:                APPN NO: 60045    FUND: 6100    GL ACCT/AGY:

  GRANT NO/PH: 001070 01  SUB GRANTEE:                PROJ NO/PH: 001239 03

  MPCD:               AGY CD-1:      2:      3:              RTI:





Step 03: Enter the transaction on the 504 screen.

◾ Use Document Type AR or AF.Use an AR if the system will not be used to calculate interest and late fees.Use an AF if the system will be used to calculate interest and/or late fees.Users cannot change the Document Type if they decide to charge interest and/or late fees later.

◾ Determine the appropriate Transaction Code.See the section below on billed and unbilled transaction codes.

◾ Enter the appropriate Coding Block, such as Index, PCA, Object

◾ Enter the Vendor Number in the VEND/MC field.

Step 04: Press  F10 -SAVE.

Step 05: If the Transaction Code does not require an invoice, go to Step 10.If the selected Transaction Code requires an invoice (billed), press  F2 -INVOICE to access the 515 Invoice Entry Screen.

This will activate the interrupt feature, which means pressing  F9 -INT to return to the original screen.

 S515   UC: 27                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 09:43 AM

 LINK TO:                        INVOICE ENTRY                             PROD


 BATCH-   AGY: 634   DATE: 010814   TYPE: 2   NO: 222   DOC NO/SFX: AR000302 001

 AGY:       MSG:


 MMDDYY -------------NARRATIVE-------------  QTY      UNIT COST       EXTENSION

 010814 FEDERAL LAND FEES – OCT 2009          1         12220.00        12220.00













                                                         TOTAL:         12220.00




Step 06: The 515 Invoice Entry Screen will reference the Batch Agency, Date, Batch Type, Batch Number, and Document Number and Suffix.Enter the line items for the invoice.

It isn't necessary to enter the Extension or Total amounts, as the system will calculate these values when the invoice is saved.

Step 07: To attach a message from the message library (94 Profile), enter the keyword for the message in the MSG field.

Step 07A: To attach a message that is not in the message library, press  F2 -MSG.The system will go to the 94 profile.

 S094   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 09:23 AM

 LINK TO:                    AGENCY MESSAGE PROFILE                       PROD

 AGY: 586  KEYWORD: LAND USE           PAGE: 01















                                                         STATUS CODE: A

  EFF START DATE: 08041995   EFF END DATE:            LAST PROC DATE: 11171995




Step 07B: Enter the AGENCY, KEYWORD, and message.Press  F10 -SAVE to save the message.(This will also save the invoice entries.)  Press  F9 -INT to return to the 515 Screen.

Step 08: Press  F10  to save the invoice.The Extensions and Totals will display.

Step 09: Press  F9  to return to the 504 Revenue/Receipts Transaction Entry screen.

Step 10: Continue adding transactions until the batch is complete.

Step 11: When all of the transactions have been entered in the batch, press  F6 -BALANCING to balance the batch.

NOTE:  If a transaction code requires an invoice and an invoice was not entered, the system will display the message “NO MATCHING INVOICE FOUND FOR AR TRANSACTION WITH CURRENT DOC # AR######.”  Either an invoice must be entered or the Transaction Code changed before the batch will balance.

Step 12: If the batch balances and the user has the authority, press  F6  again to release the batch.


Transaction Codes for Accounts Receivable

The titles of the Transaction Codes used to process Accounts receivable transactions will include the term billed or unbilled.

◾ Billed Transaction Codes are used when transactions need to be tracked in the document financial table. They will be tracked by customer and document.The input must have a due date and vendor information for the transaction to process.

◾ Unbilled Transaction Codes are used for transactions that will not be tracked in the document financial table.They are posted as summary amounts and cannot be retrieved by customer or document.

Transaction Codes for entering and adjusting Accounts Receivable include:


Establish Intergovernmental Receivable (Federal) Billed (Invoice)


Establish Intergovernmental Receivable (Local) Billed (Invoice)


Establish A/R – Other Billed (Invoice)


Establish/Adjust A/R – Other Unbilled


Establish/Adjust A/R – Federal – Unbilled


Record interest on Delinquent Billed Receivable


Adjust Accounts receivable – Other – Billed


Establish A/R – Transfer In – Billed (Invoice)


Adjust Intergovernmental Receivable (Federal) Billed


Adjust Intergovernmental Receivable (Local) Billed


Reclass Accounts Receivable – Prior AY


Record Allowance for Uncollectible A/R – Billed


Record Allowance for Uncollectible A/R – Unbilled


Establish Receivable for Cash Refund of Expenditure


Adjust Receivable for Cash Refund of Expense


Adjust A/R – Transfer In – Billed


Establish A/R Billed – Transfer In – No Invoice


Establish Receivable – Federal – Billed (Grant/Project/CMIA)


Establish Receivable – Other – Billed (Grant/Project/CMIA)


Establish Intergovernmental Receivable – Federal – Billed  – No Invoice


Establish Intergovernmental Receivable – Other – Billed – No Invoice


Establish A/R Other Billed – No Invoice


Accounts Receivable – Add Suffix to Document


Negative Accounts Receivable – Add Suffix to Document

 * Requires an invoice be processed


Invoices and Statements

R⋆STARS provides several statements and invoices.They include:

◾ Invoices (DAFR9800)

◽ Provides accounts receivable invoices that are ready to mail

◽ A specific invoice or a range of invoices can be selected

◽ Invoice message will appear on invoice

◾ Statement of Account (DAFR9810)

◽ Provides a statement by customer of all outstanding invoices and total balance due

◽ Accounts with zero balances and/or credit balances can be suppressed

◾ Delinquent Statements of Accounts (DAFR9820)

◽ Provides a statement of delinquent accounts receivable

◽ Has options that prints only account balances meeting a minimum dollar amount

◾ Delinquent Notices (DAFR9830)

◽ Provides a delinquent notice for delinquent accounts receivable

◽ Allows selection of 30 day or 60 day delinquent notices

See the R⋆STARS Report Guide for samples of these documents.

All of these documents are requestable reports.See the section above on the 91 Profile. Also see the R⋆STARS Report Guide for additional information on setting up profiles and requesting the reports.


Delinquent Accounts

R⋆STARS has the capability to automatically calculate and record interest and/or late fees to delinquent accounts receivable.

◾ Users can define the percentage for interest and the amount for late fees.

◾ The system provides separate totals for interest and principle.

The following Profiles impact the Delinquent Accounts function.

◾ 53 Agency Document Control Profile

◽ Controls Due Date, Interest Rate, Late Fee Amount

◽ Provides Coding Block for Interest and/or Late Fee

◾ 25 Agency Control Profile

◽ Determines when interest will be calculated

◾ 54 Agency Receivable Document Exemption Profile

◽ Exempts specific document from interest and late fee

◽ Exempts specific document from dunning notice

◽ Establishes unique interest rate and/or late fee amount

The system uses the following criteria for calculating interest and late fees:

◾ The 53 Agency Document Control Profile has an entry for the Agency and Document Type

◾ The document balance is greater than zero

◾ There is no interest activity for the document in the month specified in the 25 Profile

◾ The document due date, compared to the current date, is equal to or greater than the number of days past due on the 53 Profile

◾ There is not an entry on the 54 Profile


Accounts Receivable Inquiry

R⋆STARS contains a number of on-line inquiry screens to assist in the management of Accounts Receivable.These include:

◾ 59 Vendor Document Inquiry

◽ Provides a list of open documents that have a balance greater than zero for a vendor by document type

◽ Displays receivables in order of age, oldest first

◽ Can be used to identify the appropriate Reference Document to liquidate an Accounts receivable.

▸ From the Transaction Entry Screen, a user can Interrupt to the 59 screen, select the appropriate document and press  F9 -INT to take the values back to the Transaction Entry Screen.

◽ Provides an on-line, real-time document balance

 S059   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 09:17 AM

 LINK TO:                    VENDOR DOCUMENT INQUIRY                       PROD


 AGY: 107  VENDOR NO/MC: 0000440000 000   DOC TYPE: AR  FY: 14



            AR000983 001      09242013                          10.00

            AR000483 001      11222013                         545.45

            AR000498 001      11222013                         640.89

            AR000585 001      11202013                         275.50

            AR000168 001      11252013                      82,844.00














◾ 64 Document Record Inquiry

◽ Provides a summary of activity for a specific document, including original amount, payments, and adjustments

◽ Provides an on-line document balance

◽ Provides summary of activity by month

 S064   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 09:21 AM

 LINK TO:                   DOCUMENT RECORD INQUIRY                        PROD


         AGY: 107  DOC NO/SFX/CLASS: AR000168 001 001



    INQ TYPE: MC     (MA, YA, MY, YY, MC, YC)

    INQ YEAR: 14            INQ MONTH: 05      DOC BALANCE:         82,844.00


 BT       TITLE                  AMOUNT  BT       TITLE                  AMOUNT

 01 ORIG AMOUNT               82,844.00














◾ 85 Vendor Transaction Inquiry

◽ Lists documents by vendor (customer)

◽ Identifies all transactions occurring within a Document Type, including reversals.

 S085   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 09:29 AM

 LINK TO:                   VENDOR TRANSACTION INQUIRY                     PROD

                                                                     PAGE  0002

  VEND NO/MC: 0000440000 000  AGY: 107   DOC TYPE: AR  INV#:


 REC TYPE: A  APPR FUND:        FUND:        EFF DATE RANGE:        TO 111309



             AP FUND  FUND  INDEX   PCA   AY  COBJ  AOBJ       TRANS AMT  R  S

 AR000483 001                             199                        102209

              3400    4630         11380  11  0407  1012          545.45

 AR000498 001                             199                        102209

              3400    4630         11380  11  0407  1012          640.89

 AR000585 001                             199                        102109

              3400    4630         11380  11  0407  1062          293.75

 AR000168 001                             199                        102309

              8800    0050         99601  11  0405  0800        82844.00

 AR000466 001                             199                        100709

              3400    4630         11380  11  0407  1012           77.52

 AR000540 001                             199                        101309

              3400    4630         11380  11  0407  1062           18.25




◾ 86 Document Transaction Inquiry

◽ Provides posting information for each transaction associated with a specific document, including original receivable, payments, interest, and adjustments

 S086   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 09:30 AM

 LINK TO:                  DOCUMENT TRANSACTION INQUIRY                    PROD

                                                                     PAGE  0001

     AGY: 107  DOCUMENT NO/SUFFIX: AR000168 001 REC TYPE: A

                      EFF DATE RANGE:        TO 111309



 107 10/23/09 2 552 00021 199 10/09                                   82844.00

     AR000168 001         99601 11 0405 0800  0000440000 000  8800    0050
















See Chapter #13 – Document Inquiry for additional information.


Accounts Receivable Reports

R⋆STARS provides several reports to help manage Accounts Receivable.They include:


Accounts Receivable Document Status


Accounts Receivable Aging Analysis


Accounts Receivable Calculated Interest


Customer History Report


Accounts receivable Reconciliation


Interest Accumulation Control Report

See the R⋆STARS Report Guide for additional information.


Cash Receipts

The R⋆STARS features related to Cash Receipts allow flexibility and power.The system:

◾ Tracks cash deposits by customer and document number or in summary form

◾ Applies payments to outstanding receivables

◾ Automatically retrieves the coding block for an Accounts receivable when the A/R is referenced on the payment transaction

◾ Provides electronic notepad feature for internal communications

◾ Provides on-line inquiry features to facilitate the application of payments to outstanding receivables

◾ Provides automatic deposit reconciliation features, designed to manage the State’s cash more efficiently

◾ Supports reconciliation of cash with the treasury


Entering Cash Receipts

The process for entering Cash Receipts is very similar to the process for other types of transactions.Users first create a Batch Header on the 500 Batch Header Entry screen and then enter transactions on the 504 Revenue/Receipts Transaction Entry screen.The following steps demonstrate this procedure:

Step 01: Create a Batch Header on the 500 Batch Header Entry screen.

◾ Use a Batch Type of 2

◾ Determine whether or not to use a Fast Entry Screen (see Chapter #5 – Entering Transactions – The Basics).

Step 02: When the Batch Header is saved (no fast entry screen), the system will display the 504 Revenue/Receipts Transaction Entry screen.

◾ Enter the Document Type (usually CR)

◾ Identify the appropriate Transaction Code

◾ Identify the required fields for the Transaction Code

◾ Identify the Reference Document Number if the transaction is a payment for a billed Accounts receivable

◾ Enter the applicable account coding – unless there is a Reference Document

◾ Enter a Deposit number

◾ Enter an AGENCY CODE 3 if the PCA or Index does not infer it (see Deposit Reconciliation below)

◾ Enter a description in the DESCRIPTION field.

Step 03: If the transaction is payment for a billed A/R, press  F4 -EDIT.The system will bring in the coding block from the Reference Document.

 S504   UC: 27                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 11:30 AM



 DOC DATE:          EFF DATE: 011014  DUE DATE:         SERV DATE:

  CUR DOC/SFX: CR084334 001  REF DOC/SFX: ARM07328 001  MOD:    AGENCY: 635


        INDEX: 04350     REVENUE

          PCA: 14130     COLUMBIA RIVER MGMT OF NON-LIC            AY: 15


 AMOUNT: 00000017211.98  RVS:    DESC:

  DOC COUNT: 00005  DOC AMT:  0000018197.96 DOC AGY: 635  FUND OVRD:

 VEND/MC: 0999999999 000  NM: ACME FISH CO.

 PMT TYPE:   INT:       ADD1: PO BOX 59

    BANK:               ADD2:

 DISC DT:        TM:    ADD3:

  PEN DT:        TM:    CITY:  PORTLAND              ST: OR  ZIP: 97207

 PEN AMT:                CHECK #:                 DEPOSIT #:   DP50116

 G38:                APPN NO: 31140    FUND: 1156    GL ACCT/AGY: 0507

  GRANT NO/PH:            SUB GRANTEE:                PROJ NO/PH:

  MPCD:               AGY CD-1:      2:      3: 01000        RTI: D





Step 04: Press  F10 -SAVE or  F11 -SAVE/CLEAR after each transaction.

NOTE:  If an Accounts Receivable reference document is used, the user should use the  F11 -SAVE/CLEAR to ensure coding data from that transaction does not carry over to the next transaction in the batch.

Step 05: When all of the transactions in the batch have been entered, press  F6 -BALANCE to balance the batch.

Step 06: If the batch balances and the user has the authority, press  F6 -RELEASE again to release the batch.


Collection of a Billed Accounts Receivable

The Transaction Code to record the cash receipt for a billed accounts receivable requires a Reference Document.Users may look up the Reference Document Number by Interrupting to the 59 Vendor Document Inquiry from the Transaction Entry Screen.

◾ Enter the Vendor Number, Mail Code and DOC TYPE of AR or AF

◾ Select the applicable document and press  F9 -INT(errupt)

◾ Press  F4 -EDIT to retrieve the coding information from the Reference Document

◾ If the payment includes interest or a late fee that was entered separately, record this portion of the payment as a separate transaction


Receipt of a Refund of an Expenditure

Expenditure Refunds are cash receipts collected because of a refund as the result of an overpayment of an expenditure.For example, the agency receives and pays for five desks.It then returns two defective desks and the vendor refunds the price of the two desks.Rather than recording the refund as a cash receipt, the agency records it as a reduction in expense.

The Transaction Code (172) to record the refund of an expenditure:

◾ May be used with a Batch Type of 2 or 4

◾ Requires a Document Type of CR

◾ Requires an expenditure object

◾ Makes a Reference Document (Vouchers payable) optional


Receipt of a Deposit Liability

A deposit liability is the receipt of cash that does not currently represent revenue because

◾ The purpose of the payment is not known

◾ The agency intends to repay the liability in the future

The transaction code (165):

◾ Uses either a Batch Type of 2 or 4

◾ Uses the Document Type DL

◾ Will not allow an object code


Transaction Codes for Cash Receipts


Collection of A/R Expenditure Refund ‑ Billed


Collection of Lien/Note/Mortgage/Contract Receivable ‑ Limited, Governmental


Collection of Lien/Note/Mortgage/Contract Receivable ‑ Limited, Proprietary


Collection of Interest Receivable ‑ Other Unbilled


Collection of Interest Receivable ‑ Other Billed


Collection of Interest Received Designated


Cash Receipt For Sale of Fixed Assets ‑ Proprietary


Cash Receipt for Return of Unreimbursed Advance


Record Unidentified Receipt


Subgrantee Refund of Advance


Record Receipt of Deposit Liability ‑ No Supporting Documentation


Receipt of Deposit Liability


Adjust Receipt of Deposit Liability


Receipt of Deferred Revenue


Refund of Expenditure


Collection Intergovernmental Receivable ‑ Federal ‑ Unbilled


Collection Accounts Receivable ‑ Other ‑ Billed


Collection of Accounts receivable ‑ Other ‑ Unbilled


Collection of Intergovernmental Rec.‑ Federal ‑ Billed


Collection of Intergovernmental Receivable ‑ Local ‑ Billed


Receipt of Revenue not Accrued


Receipt for Miscellaneous Liability


Deposit Reconciliation

Although the term Deposit Reconciliation sounds a bit mysterious, it isn't new to the State of Oregon.In R⋆STARS Deposit Reconciliation is an automated process for agencies to reconcile Treasury Transactions with SFMS Cash Receipt Transactions.It ensures that agencies do not spend money before the deposit has been entered in both Treasury and SFMS accounts.

Deposit Reconciliation impacts the following kinds of transactions:

◾ Deposits

◾ Suspense transfers to receipted accounts

◾ Investment interest

◾ Treasury excess interest allocations

◾ Wire transfers (incoming and outgoing)

◾ Automated Clearing House Transactions (ACH – incoming and outgoing)


Overview of Process

◾ Agencies enter cash receipt transactions in R⋆STARS.The transactions include:

◽ Deposit Number

◽ Treasury Account Number (Agency Code 3)

◾ The deposit transaction has the following impact on the General Ledger:

Debit 0065 Unreconciled Deposit

Credit 3100 Revenue Control

◾ The system summarizes all of the deposit activity by agency number, account number, and deposit number nightly.The Treasury system interfaces Treasury activity to R⋆STARS.

◾ R⋆STARS compares the SFMS summary of the cash receipt transactions to the Treasury transactions.The match includes agency number, treasury account number, deposit number, and amount.

◾ If the data matches, the system changes the Match Status to Y and generates a transaction with T-code 332.This makes the cash available to the agency.It posts the transaction to the General Ledger as follows:

Debit 0070 Cash in State Treasury

Credit 0065 Unreconciled Deposit

◾ If the data does not match, the system gives the deposit a Match Status of N.The cash remains in Unreconciled Deposits and will not be available to the agency.The agency will need to research and correct the differences.


Profiles that Impact Deposit Reconciliation


D36 Agency Code 3 – Treasury Account Number

The Treasury Account Number captures deposit information for reconciliation purposes.

◾ It is a five-digit number set up on the D36 profile.

◾ The terms Treasury Account Number and Agency Code 3 Number usually refer to the same number and the terms are used interchangeably.

◾ The Treasury Account Number is entered into the AGENCY CODE 3 field of the Transaction Entry Screen for non-suspense account Cash Receipt transactions.It can be looked up by a PCA or Index.

 SD36   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 11:45 AM

 LINK TO:                     AGENCY CODE 3 PROFILE                        PROD




                 AGENCY: 100   (MUST BE IN D02 AGENCY PROFILE)


          AGENCY CODE 3: 01029




          TREASURY FUND: 01029







                                                         STATUS CODE: A


  EFF START DATE: 10012002   EFF END DATE:            LAST PROC DATE: 09192002




◾ The 28A Transaction Code Description Profile does not have the option to require an entry in the AGENCY CODE 3 field.Because it is one of the four elements that are matched during deposit reconciliation, if it is not entered and not looked up by a PCA or and Index, the deposit will not reconcile.

◾ The AGENCY CODE 3 can not be entered on any of the Fast Entry Screens.Again, it is advantageous to have it looked up by a PCA or Index, as those fields are located on the fast entry screens.


D53 Titles Profile – Treasury Fund Number

 SD53   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 11:48 AM

 LINK TO:                        TITLES PROFILE                            PROD




               TABLE ID: TRES


                    KEY: 1029


                  TITLE: #100/DD COMMUNITY HOUSING FUND










                                                         STATUS CODE: A

  EFF START DATE: 07012002   EFF END DATE:            LAST PROC DATE: 08232002




Treasury Funds are accounts that are used to track banking activity.They are receipt and suspense accounts.All of the Funds on the D53 (Table ID: TRES) are valid and active accounts established at Treasury.They usually relate to a legislatively approved program with dedicated funds.Fund examples include:

◾ General Fund

◾ State Highway Fund

◾ Capital Construction

◾ Student Loan Guarantee Fund

◾ Federal Mineral Leases Fund

◾ Employee Awards and Suggestions Awards Committee

◾ Tire Recycling Fund

◾ Parks and Recreation Operating Fund

An agency’s Treasury Account Number points to one of these funds.

Treasury Accounts have five digits.SFMS D53 accounts have four digits.The interface drops off the first digit.

Treasury Suspense Accounts are not included in Deposit Reconciliation.


D23 Fund Profile

 SD23   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 12:00 PM

 LINK TO:                           FUND PROFILE                           PROD



                 AGENCY: 100    FISCAL YEAR: 14    FUND: 3409



              GAAP FUND: 7505   (MUST BE IN D24 GAAP FUND PROFILE)


         LOCAL FUND IND: N     BANK ID:      CASH FUND: 34952


                 (0=NONE, 1=APPROPRIATED FUND, 2=FUND, 3=CASH FUND):


 CASH BALANCE DISP -  IND: N   %/AMT: 00000000000   TREASURY FUND: 1029






  EFF START DATE: 07012009   EFF END DATE:            LAST PROC DATE: 04082009





D23 Fund

Treasury Fund “Defined on the D53 Profile”

The D23 profile builds relationships among funds.In the case of deposit reconciliation, the D23 defines the D53 Treasury Fund for each D23 Fund.

Several different D23 Funds may point to the same D53 Treasury Fund.


26 Program Cost Account Profile

The 26 profile establishes the relationship between the D23 Fund and the AGENCY CODE 3 (the Treasury Account Number).In this case, the PCA would be entered on the transaction.It would then infer the D23 Fund and AGENCY CODE 3.The D23 Fund identifies the D53 Treasury Fund.

 S026   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 12:04 PM

 LINK TO:                PROGRAM COST ACCOUNT PROFILE                      PROD




          AGENCY: 100     APPN YEAR: 15    PCA: 30551





 FUNCTION CODE:                               AGY BUD FUNC LEVEL IND:


     APPN NUMB: 34501                   FUND: 3409             INDEX:



   GRANT NO/PH: 711400 20      PROJECT NO/PH:                    RTI:

        MPCODE:                    AGENCY CODE - 1: 4052  2:       3: 01029



                                                           STATUS CODE: A

 EFF START DATE: 07012009    EFF END DATE:              LAST PROC DATE: 06042009




Fund (Defined on the D23 Profile)

Agency Code 3 (Defined on the D36 Profile)

If the PCA does not infer the Treasury Account Number, it must be entered separately for a cash receipt transaction to a receipted Treasury Account.


Determining if Agency Deposits Reconcile

The status of a deposit indicates how deposit transactions entered into R⋆STARS match up with the transactions processed at the bank.The status can be one of the following:


Yes, the deposit is reconciled.


No, the deposit is not reconciled.


Manual Release (available to Treasury only).

The status of any deposit can be determined by using a control report, a requestable report, or on-line inquiry.


Control Reports

Two control reports list deposit records:


Available to agencies.It provides a cumulative list of all non-reconciled deposits by account number, deposit number, treasury fund number, SFMS deposit amount, treasury deposit amount.


Available for Treasury.It lists all unreconciled deposits and contains the same information as DAFR3321.


Requestable Reports

Two requestable reports are also available:


Lists all deposits for an agency with their status


Lists all deposits and their status.It will be used by State-wide Disbursements for monthly cash reconciliations.


On-line Inquiry

R⋆STARS provides two on-line inquiries for deposits:


Deposit Research


Manual Deposit Release


13 Deposit Research

 F013   UC: 10                                                 01/10/14 01:29 PM

 LINK TO:                       DEPOSIT RESEARCH                            PROD

 AGENCY:   100  FROM:          THRU:

 ACCT #             DEPOSIT #                    TREAS FUND  1029   STATUS


 ACCOUNT     DEPOSIT         TREAS          SFMS           TREASURY       REL

 NUMBER      NUMBER          FUND          AMOUNT           AMOUNT       STAT  S

 00717       DP#####         1029          1,010.00           1,010.00     Y

         DEP DTE 081209  RECON DTE  081209    SFMS DTE 081109

 00717       DP#####         1029          1,066.50           1,066.50     Y

         DEP DTE 081309  RECON DTE  081309    SFMS DTE 081209

 01029       AT#######       1029          1,944.28           1,944.28     Y

         DEP DTE 092706  RECON DTE  010814    SFMS DTE 010814

 01029       DP#####         1029            251.63             251.63     Y

         DEP DTE 071205  RECON DTE  071205    SFMS DTE 071105

 01029       DP#####         1029          1,328.44           1,328.44     Y

         DEP DTE 072205  RECON DTE  081105    SFMS DTE 072105

 01029       DP#####         1029            188.72             188.72     Y

         DEP DTE 072705  RECON DTE  081105    SFMS DTE 081105

 01029       DP#####         1029            864.02             864.02     Y

         DEP DTE 081505  RECON DTE  081505    SFMS DTE 081205




The 13 inquiry screen provides a listing of an agency’s deposits.

Users may further narrow the search by entering a

◾ FROM and THRU date range

◾ Treasury ACCT #

◾ DEPOSIT number




12 Manual Deposit Release

 S012   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 01:37 PM

 LINK TO:                    MANUAL DEPOSIT RELEASE                        PROD




                 AGENCY: 100


         ACCOUNT NUMBER: 01029          RECONCILIATION DATE:  01/08/14


         DEPOSIT NUMBER: AT#######


          TREASURY FUND: 1029

                     SFMS                         BANK


 DEPOSIT $:             1,944.28                     1,944.28


      DATE:        01/08/14                     01/06/14








The 12 Manual Deposit Release screen provides on-line information on the status of a treasury transaction.

◾ Each screen represents a single transaction.

◾ All deposits will appear on this screen until selected records are archived.

◾ Only Treasury has update access to this screen.

◾ Users can enter a specific deposit key (AGENCY, ACCOUNT NUMBER, and DEPOSIT NUMBER) and press  Enter  to recall a specific record.


What To Do If A Deposit Does Not Reconcile

If the dollar amount provided by the bank is different from the amount entered into SFMS, it must be determined if the problem is with the bank information or the SFMS information.

◾ If the problem is with the bank information, the agency must contact the Treasury.Treasury is authorized to manually change the status of a deposit to an M, which indicates that the status of the batch has been manually changed.

◾ If the problem is with the SFMS information, the agency must correct the information by entering a new transaction.

◽ If the account number is blank, the transaction probably did not include the AGENCY CODE 3.In this case, the agency will need to reverse the original entry and re-enter the transaction with the AGENCY CODE 3.


Researching the SFMS Amount

When research the SFMS amount, the following may be helpful:

Item Known

Screen/Report Used

Document Number

86 Document Record Inquiry

Transaction ID (Batch Key – consisting of the Batch agency, date, type, number and sequence number)

84 Accounting Event

Fund or Cash Fund

63 Cash Control Inquiry

Drill down from the UNREC DEPS (Unreconciled Deposits) Balance Type to the document


DAFR2261 Daily Detail History Report

See Chapter #13 – On-line Inquiry for additional information.


Revenue Transfers

State policy requires state agencies to make payments to each other through interagency transfers rather than writing a warrant.

◾ The paying agency initiates the payment.

◾ It may have a batch type of 2, 4 or G (companion transaction)

◾ If the receiving agency has set up an accounts receivable, the transaction will reference the AR document

◾ It will have a document type of BT (balanced transaction)

◾ The transaction codes will be in pairs in the 700s

◾ The transaction will post to the financial tables when the sending agency releases the batch

See the section on Interagency Transfers in Chapter #6 – Entering Transactions – Advanced Topics for additional information.


Revenue Inquiry

R⋆STARS contains a number of on-line inquiry screens for revenue.The first four screens listed have already been described in the previous section on Accounts Receivable.


Vendor Document Inquiry


Document Record Inquiry


Vendor Transaction Inquiry


Document Transaction Inquiry

The following screens are also used to determine the status of revenue transactions:

◾ 61 Agency Budget Financial Inquiry

◽ Summarizes Outstanding Pre-encumbrances and Encumbrances, Accrued Expenditures, Cash Expenditures, and Transfers by Organization, Program, Fund, and Object Code

◽ Provides the ability to “drill down” to the transactions that make up the summary amount

 S061  UC: 10                    STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 09:38 AM

 LINK TO:              AGENCY BUDGET FINANCIAL INQUIRY                     PROD


       AGENCY: 107  AY: 15 ORG CDE:      PGM CDE: 2012 FUNC CDE:      PCA: 99601

      AP FUND:         FUND: 0050   GRANT/PH:            PROJECT/PH:

 COMP SRC/GRP:           OBJ/COBJ/AGY OBJ:           0800    AGY OBJ GROUP:





     INQ YEAR: 14      INQ MONTH: 05          ADJ BUD:                    .00

  AGENCY BUD AVAILABLE:                    .00   AGENCY BUD % AVAIL:     .00

 EXPENDITURES TO BUD %:   0.00                      ALLOT TO BUD % :   0.00

 BT    TITLE                   AMOUNT     BT    TITLE                   AMOUNT

 12 CASH REVENU           1,604,969.00

 1ACCRD REVEN             438,523.50









Place the cursor somewhere in the BT field you wish to drill down to.

 S011   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 09:41 AM

 LINK TO:      ACTIVE       DOCUMENT SUMMARY INQUIRY                       PROD


 AGENCY:107   FISCAL YR: 14  MO: 07  DAY: 01  BT: 14 ACCRD REVEN

                  BT AMT:             438,523.50


 KEY: 15 0050 0800 2012 99601


 20140101          107     AR000158                               11115.75

 20140101          107     AR000159                                3407.50

 20140101          107     AR000160                               25085.75

 20140101          107     AR000161                               12072.00

 20140101          107     AR000162                                9117.75

 20140101          107     AR000163                                7264.25

 20140101          107     AR000164                                6310.00

 20140101          107     AR000165                               47788.00

 20140101          107     AR000166                                1908.00

 20140101          107     AR000167                                 380.75

 20140101          107     AR000168                               82844.00

 20140101          107     AR000169                                2196.50





 S060   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 09:41 AM



     AGENCY: 107   FISCAL YEAR  14    EFF DATE: 20091001  SFX: 001

   REC TYPE: A         DOC AGY: 107     DOC NO: AR000168  REF DOC:



 KEYS: 15 0050 0800 2012 99601

 SFX   EFF DATE   VENDOR NO/MC    VENDOR NAME          TC            AMOUNT  R

 001   20091001  0000440000 000  CONSUMER & BUSINESS,  199         82844.00















 S084   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 09:44 AM

 LINK TO:                ACCOUNTING EVENT RECORD INQUIRY                   PROD




 GL: DR1 0501 CR1 3101 DR2      CR2      DR3      CR3      DR4      CR4

 DOC AGY: 107  DOC DATE:         EFF DATE: 100109  DUE DATE: 103109

  SERV DATE:        CUR DOC/SFX/CLASS: AR000168 001 001 MOD:

                    REF DOC/SFX/CLASS:                  AGENCY: 107

   TRANS CODE: 199 INDEX:        PCA: 99601 AY: 15     COMP/AGY OBJ: 0405 0800

       AMOUNT:       82844.00   RVS:   DISCOUNT:            .00   FO:   PDT:

           CI:   PROP #:            1099:     INV-NO:                DT:


 NAME: CONSUMER & BUSINESS, DEPT OF                     CONT NO:

 CITY: SALEM                ST: OR ZIP: 97310               RTI:

 PMT-NO:           DT:        AP NO: 77303 FUND: 0050    AGY GL:

  GRANT NO/PH:              SUB GRANTEE:                 PROJ NO/PH:

 MPCD:                AGY CD-1:      2:      3: 00401     CASH FUND:

 G38-TRANSFER:                  PMT TYPE:   INT TM:  0.000 BANK:

 DISC-DT:        TM:    PEN-DT:        TM:    PEN AMT:            .00

 LAST PROC - DT: 10232009 TIME: 1301 ORIG SEQ NO:         APPROVAL DT: 102309




◾ 62 Appropriation Financial Inquiry

◽ Summarizes Outstanding Pre-encumbrances and Encumbrances, Accrued Expenditures, Cash Expenditures, and Transfers by Appropriation

◽ Provides the ability to “drill down” to the transactions that make up the summary amount

 S062   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 09:51 AM






 CASH BASIS BUD:                    .00         ADJ BUD:                    .00

 ACCR BASIS BUD:                    .00  REM APPN ALLOT:                    .00

  ENC BASIS BUD:                    .00   ALLOT TO BUD % :   0.00

  EXP TO BUD % :   0.00                   UNSCHED  TO BUD % :   0.00

 BT    TITLE                   AMOUNT     BT    TITLE                   AMOUNT

 12 CASH REVEN           1,605,107.00

 14 ACCRD REVE             438,523.50












◾ 63 Cash Control Summary Inquiry

◽ Reads information in the Cash Control Financial Table.

◽ Summarizes by Agency, Agency and Fund or Appropriated Fund

◽ Provides a cash balance by General Ledger Account

 S063   UC: 10                   STATE OF OREGON              01/10/14 10:09 AM

 LINK TO:              CASH CONTROL FINANCIAL INQUIRY                      PROD






 INQ YEAR: 14      INQ MONTH: 07      CASH BALANCE:         134,603,147.21


 BT    TITLE                   AMOUNT    BT    TITLE                    AMOUNT

 12 CASH REVEN       2,167,013,536.63

 13 PYMTS OUTS           2,969,033.94

 15 CASH EXPEN       2,059,110,480.25

 20 TRAN IN-CA         842,063,265.53

 21 TRAN OUT-C         967,095,074.25

 22 OTHER INCR         433,176,975.75

 23 OTHER DECR         302,840,494.66

 25 BEG BALANC          21,411,090.39

 34 UNREC DEPO              15,671.93







Revenue Reports

R⋆STARS provides numerous requestable reports related to revenue.They include:


Revenues and Expenditures by Fund, Program, Organization, and Object


Statewide Revenue by Comptroller Object


Expenditure and Revenue Register


Cash Receipts and Cash Disbursement Register


Fund Cash Payable/Receivable Status


Accounts Payable Match to Accounts Receivable


Revenues and Expenditures by Fund, Organization, Program, and Object


Revenues and Expenditures by Fund, Program, and Object


Revenues and Expenditures by Fund, Organization, and Object


Revenues and Expenditures by Program, Organization, Fund, and Object


Revenues and Expenditures by Organization, Program, Fund, and Object


Revenues and Expenditures by Program, Organization, Fund, and Object


Analysis of Operating Revenues and Expenditures by Source - Accrued


Analysis of Operating Revenues & Expenditures by State Source - Cash


Revenue Status by Organization, Appropriation Number, Appropriated Fund and Object


Revenue Status by Appropriation Number, Organization, Appropriated Fund and Object

See the R⋆STARS Report Guide for additional information.

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