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Justice Reinvestment

Justice Reinvestment Program

Pursuant to House Bill 3194 (2013), the purpose of the Justice Reinvestment Program (JRP) is to fund initiatives that assess individuals and provide a continuum of community-based sanctions, services, and programs to reduce recidivism and state prison usage, while maintaining public safety and accountability. The JRP consists of two grant types: the Formula Grant and the Competitive Grant. No less than 10% of awarded grant funds are also distributed to community-based nonprofit organizations providing victim services.

The JRP is part of Oregon’s Justice Reinvestment Initiative, a proactive approach to effectively spend resources in the state’s criminal justice system. Under the justice reinvestment model, prison growth is limited, and a portion of the avoided operational prison costs are reinvested in the state’s local public safety systems.

Grant awards are determined and monitored by the Criminal Justice Commission. Meeting minutes and recordings are available by date on the CJC Calendar.

Details about eligibility, application requirements, and availability of funding are outlined in the grant solicitation below.


Lindsey Cullins, Program Manager

503-302-1990  |


Current Grant Cycle Information

2025-2027 JRP Solicitation

*2025-2027 JRP Grant Budget Projection Sheet

        *Coming Soon


CJC Grant Administration Guide

*Victim Services: Community-Based Nonprofit Organizations

        *Coming Soon

Grant Review Committee

Floyd Prozanski  (Chair)
Oregon Senate

Joshua Eastman
Josephine County District Attorney’s Office

Lisa Norton
Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians

Jason Kropf
Oregon House of Representatives

Sarah Stewart
KIDS First

Nate Gaoiran
Washington County Community Corrections

Bronson James
Oregon Supreme Court

Nicole Morrisey O'Donnell
Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office

Oregon House of Representatives

Oregon Senate


County Commissioner


Chief of Police