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Statutes & Administrative Rules

Administrative Rules


Exhibits to current rules, links, and titles
​Exhibit / LinkTitle
EXHIBIT A-1 Crime Severity R​​atings
EXHIBIT A-2 ​Crime Severity Subcategory Rationales
EXHIBIT A-3 Evidence of​ Drug Selling Network
EXHIBIT B-1 Criminal History/Risk Assessment
EXHIBIT B-2 Coding Instructions for History/Risk Assessment
EXHIBIT C Time to Be Served (Matrix Guidelines)
EXHIBIT D Standard Variations from the Matrix Ranges
EXHIBIT E-1 Aggravating Factors
EXHIBIT E-2 Mitigating Factors
EXHIBIT E-3 Aggravating & Mitigating Factors Explanation
EXHIBIT F Outline for Post Sentence Report
EXHIBIT G Misconduct Factors
EXHIBIT H Aggravation/Mitigation in Parole Violation Cases

General and special Conditions of Supervision (effective 06/01/22)
EXHIBIT K Voting Requirements for Parole Revocation Cases
EXHIBIT NOR-1Notice of Rights for Board Hearings (except Murder Review)
EXHIBIT NOR-2 Notice of Rights for Supervision Sanctions/Morrissey Hearings
EXHIBIT NOR-3MR Notice of Rights for Aggravated Murder Review Hearings
EXHIBIT O Administrative Review Request Form
EXHIBIT PSO-5 Notice of Rights - Predatory Sex Offender Designation Hearing
EXHIBIT Q-1 Sex Offender Risk Assessment Scale (Static-99R Tally Sheet)
EXHIBIT Q-2 Sex Offender Risk Assessment Definitions and Criteria (Static-99R Coding Rules)
EXHIBIT Q-3 Notice of Right to File a Written Objection to Predatory Sex Offender Designation
EXPOSICION Q-3 Espanol Spanish version - Notice of Right to File a Written Objection to Predatory Sex Offender Designation
EXHIBIT Q-4 Written Objections to Score on Risk Assessment Scale for Predatory Sex Offender Designation
EXPOSICION Q-4 Espanol Spanish version - Written Objections to Score on Risk Assessment Scale for Predatory Sex Offender Designation
EXHIBIT R Return to DOC for a Period of Greater than 12 months.
EXHIBIT SO-1 to SO-3 Notice of Rights - Sex Offender Notification Level Classification
EXHIBIT SO-1L to SO-3L Notice of Rights - Sex Offender Notification Level Classification

EXHIBIT Static-99R
​Sexual Violent Dangerous Offender Designation: Notice of Rights
Coding Manual & Tally Sheet
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Board Policies

Purpose: Policy for payment of fees to attorneys appointed by Board as counsel under OAR 255-032. Authority: ORS 144.120, 163.105, 163.115 & 183.415  Policy: If an adult in custody is without sufficient funds to employ ​an attorney for a hearing under Oregon Administrative Rule 255-032, the Board shall appoint legal counsel. The Board will pay a flat fee of $3,800 per case. The attorney shall send the Board an invoice within 30 days of the hearing.  Policy Title: Attorney fees for appointed counsel.  Version Number: 4.0  Effective Date: 10/1/2022

Purpose: Policy for payment of fees to attorneys appointed by Board as counsel under Exhibit R of OAR 255-075-0073:  "Return to DOC for a Period of Greater than 12 months". Policy: If a person is without sufficient funds to employ ​an attorney for a hearing under Exhibit R, the Board shall appoint legal counsel. The Board will pay a flat fee of $750 per case. The attorney shall send the Board an invoice within 30 days of the hearing.  Policy Title: Attorney fees for appointed counsel under Exhibit R.  Version Number: 2.0  Effective Date: 12/17​/2019​​

The Board's authority to release adults in custody (AIC) is limited. The Board does not have the authority to consider Early Medical Release for the following population:

  • An AIC who has not completed a minimum term of incarceration imposed under Measure 11. See ORS 137.700, ORS 137.707, ORS 137.635;
  • An AIC who is serving a sentence that is not eligible for a sentence reduction because the court has ordered that the AIC may not be considered for any reduction in sentence in their judgment of conviction. ORS 137.750;
  • An AIC who is sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of release or parole under ORS 138.052 or ORS 163.150;
  • An AIC who is prohibited under any other applicable state law.


The Board may advance the release date of an AIC, if it is in the best interest of the AIC and society, and the AIC is:

(a) Suffering from a severe medical condition including terminal illness; or

(b) Elderly and permanently incapacitated in such a manner that the prisoner is unable to move from place to place without the assistance of another person​

The process can take several weeks to several months. The Board of Parole is unlikely to release anyone who does not have a safe placement in the community secured prior to release. Reviewing medical documentation and getting feedback from DOC also takes time. For more frequently asked questions on this process please click here​​

If you would like to inquire about this process you can send an email to​, or call 503-934-0780