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Prevailing Wage Rates

Prevailing wage rates are listed here. Prevailing wage rates differ by occupation and region. They are generally updated quarterly on January 5, April 5, July 5, and October 5.

Occupation classification lookup

The job classifications/trades normally used in the construction industry are represented by the job classifications. Find the definition that most closely matches the actual work being performed by the worker; this will determine the occupation title/classification to be used in determining the correct prevailing wage rate to pay the worker. It is important to note that it is the work performed by the employee, not the worker’s title or qualifications, which determines the applicable classification.

The below PDFs are searchable (Ctrl+F) to locate specific work processes or equipment. Choose the occupation that most closely matches the actual work being done by the worker. 

Projects using Prevailing Wage Rate Books and amendments between July 1, 2018 and July 5, 2024 will use the July 1, 2018 Definitions of Covered Occupations book to determine a worker's occupation(s). Projects using the October 5, 2024 Amendment or later publications will use the October 5, 2024 Definitions of Covered Occupations book to to determine a worker's occupation(s). For projects using rate books and amendments prior to the July 1, 2018 publication, please contact BOLI to be proivided earlier definitions books:

*The Definitions of Covered Occupations for Public Work Contractors in Oregon was updated to correct a typographical error on pages 27 and 28 to clarify that the Power Equipment Operator, Group 3 Excavator is for over eighty-five thousand (85,000) pounds through one hundred thirty thousand (130,000) pounds, and  the Power Equipment Operator, Group 4 Excavator is for over twenty thousand (20,000) pounds through eighty-five thousand (85,000) pounds.

Finding the correct rate

Generally, the rates in effect when the project was first advertised for bid will apply for the duration of the project. If the project uses a Construction Manager/General Contractor or is subject to the Federal Davis Bacon Act, the rates may be set differently.  Contact the project's contracting agency or prime contractor to confirm the correct rates for the project.  You can find more information in the Prevailing Wage Rate Laws Handbook

For more information, see  Which prevailing wage rate applies to this project?

Prevailing wage rate books and amendments

Choose the prevailing wage rate book below (generally, you should choose the book that covers the date the project was first advertised for bid) and then look up the occupation and region covered to find the correct wage(s).

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