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Public Records Request

To request public records from BOLI, please submit a request using our online portal
Our online portal allows you to track the status of your request(s), pay any applicable fees, and download your records directly. If you
have difficulty using the portal, please contact us at or 971-245-3844(option 5) for assistance. 

Please Note:

BOLI investigations can take many months to complete. In some cases, the investigative records are not available for disclosure until the case has been resolved (ORS 192.345(8)). 

If you are inquiring about the status of a BOLI investigation, please contact: 

For media inquiries not related to records, please email For media requests involving records, please use the online portal. 

BOLI's Public Records Request Process: 

BOLI will respond to your request within 15 business days. At that time, you will:

  • Be provided with the requested records
  • Informed there are no records
  • Provided with a timeframe within which you can expect to receive a response to your request.  
Due to the high volume of requests BOLI receives, most requests are not able to be processed within 15 business days. We are aware you may be under a 90-day right to sue or other legal deadlines, and we will respond to your request as quickly as possible.

If at any time you no longer wish to receive the records you have requested, please contact us at or  971-245-3844 (option 5) to withdraw your request. This information is appreciate as it allows us to prioritize work on those requests for which records are needed. 


In some instances, there may be a fee associated with your request. Your request will be reviewed and if it is determined a fee applies, you will be provided with a fee estimate for your approval. If you are unable to pay the fee, or feel the records should be produced at no cost due to the public interest, you may request a fee waiver. Information on how to request a fee waiver is provided with all fee estimates. 

You may view BOLI's current fee schedule here.

For more information, please see our public records FAQ