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Independent Living

Helping Non-Job Seekers Live Independently

The Oregon Commission for the Blind (OCB) offers two programs for adult Oregonians who experience vision loss and are either at retirement age or not seeking a job. Read more about the Independent Living program policies.

Independent Living for the Older Blind (age 55+)

This program serves residents age 55 and over who experience vision loss. We provide training and resources (outlined below) so they can maintain or regain independence that has been lost due to visual impairment; allowing them to participate in their communities, engage in leisure and recreational activities, volunteer, travel safely and maintain a greater level of independence as it relates to their vision loss.

Read more about our Independent Living for the Older Blind program.

Request services from the Oregon Commission for the Blind for yourself, a relative, a friend, or a client.

Independent Living (Under age 55 & legally blind)

This program provides services (outlined below) to legally blind adults under the age of 55 who are not seeking employment. Qualified rehabilitation teachers work with individuals in their homes and communities to help them live as independently and safely as possible.

Read more about our Independent Living program for legally blind adults under 55.

Request services from the Oregon Commission for the Blind for yourself, a relative, a friend, or a client.

Program Services

Who is eligible to receive services?

  • Oregon residents age 55 and over who experience vision loss
  • Legally blind adult Oregonians under the age of 55 who are not seeking employment

Where do I go for services?
Our experienced teachers come to your home and share techniques on how to perform daily tasks.

What should I expect during my in-home visit?

  • We bring our Low Vision Lab to you! We want to introduce techniques that will help you read your mail, menus, labels and price tags by performing a low vision assessment in your home and making specific recommendations on lighting, magnifiers, glare reduction, and other adaptive devices
  • Adjustment to blindness discussions
  • Organizational techniques & tips
  • Hints on making household appliances accessible
  • Calendar planning and list making (Siri, Hey Google, large print calendars)
  • Methods to accomplish everyday tasks (using the phone, pouring, measuring and other kitchen tasks, locking and unlocking doors with keys, identifying currency, etc.)
  • Helpful resources (Talking Books, large button phones)
  • Education in Orientation & Mobility (O&M—safe & effective pedestrian travel training)

How much will it cost me?
That's the best part—these services are free!

Please note that in all OCB programs, employees are subject to state mandatory reporter laws related to child abuse and elder abuse.

Three older adults put their hands together.
 Man with a white can talks on a cell phone.