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Registration & Renewal

 Registration and Renewal Now Online!

To register your aircraft, make a payment or view a list of accepted payments click here:

For questions on registrations and licensing through the Oregon Department of Aviation, contact:
For Aircraft Owners, Aircraft Dealers, Oregon Airports or Fuel Facilities:

​ORS 837.040 requires every Oregon resident who owns an aircraft that is based in Oregon, or any non-resident who owns an aircraft based in Oregon, or any owner of an aircraft used for commercial operations in Oregon must register that aircraft with Oregon Department of Aviation within 60 days of being subject to registration. Fees from aircraft registration help the Department of Aviation provide airport improvements and maintenance at public use airports across Oregon, as well as provide aviation system planning and other activities to strengthen the state-wide aviation system.

You have 60 days to register when you buy a new aircraft, bring an aircraft into Oregon, or return to service an aircraft previously incapable of flight.

ORS 837.045 provides that if an aircraft registration deadline is missed, the aircraft owner will be assessed a penalty fee. The fee may be prorated. Call the Registration Program Specialist at Oregon Department of Aviation to receive assistance calculating the exact amount of the fee that you owe.​


​​Single engine fixed wing, piston​ $65​
​​Single engine fixed wing, turboprop ​$250
​​Multiengine fixed wing, piston ​$150
​​Multiengine fixed wing, turboprop​ ​$300
​​Turbojet fixed wing​ ​$700
​​Helicopter piston engine​ ​$65
​​​Helicopter turbine engine ​$175
​​Lighter than air, home built, sailplane, gyrocopter or Ultralight aircraft $55
​​Ex-military multiengine or turbojet/ex-air carrier ​$300
​​*UAS - public entity under 55 lbs.​
​​*UAS - public entity 55 lbs. or greater $50


Registering Public Use UAS/Drones

ORS 837.360​ requires all public bodies operating UAS/Drones in the airspace over Oregon to register with the Oregon Department of Aviation.  An Educational Institution operating a UAS/Drone in the airspace over Oregon must register as a user but does not need to register each individual UAS/Drone.

You do not have to register your private use drone with the Oregon Department of Aviation.  Check with the FAA for federal registration requirements.

To Register Your Public Use UAS/Drone please submit the Oregon Registration Form (below) with payment.​

Public Use UAS/Drone Reporting Requirements

ORS 837.360​ requires public bodies that register one or more UAS/Drone to provide an annual report to the Oregon Department of Aviation.  This annual report should:

  • Summarize the frequency of use of the unmanned aircraft systems by the public body during the preceding calendar year;
  • Summarize the purposes for which the unmanned aircraft systems have been used by the public body during the preceding calendar year; and
  • Indicate how the public can access the policies and procedures established under ORS 837.362​.​

Please submit your annual report to the following email address:

Aircraft/Drone Registration Form
Request for Duplicate Aircraft Certificate

* Drone Registration only required for Public Bodies - State Registration not required for Private Use Drones


If aircraft is incapable of flight, aircraft owner may be able to receive a temporary exemption from registration fees. To qualify for an exemption the aircraft must be in need of major repairs to make it safe to fly. Examples; (major engine overhaul, wing spar replacement, landing gear damage, etc.) repairs such as annual maintenance, repairing broken or worn items such as tires, windows, or awaiting annual inspections cannot be approved for an exemption. The aircraft exemption will be valid for one calendar year and must be renewed annually until the aircraft becomes flyable, and at that time the aircraft owner must contact The Dept. of Aviation immediately to resume the registration process.

If you have questions about registration requirements, you may contact us by telephone at 503-378-4880 or by e-mail at​.

Aircraft Exemption Form​

ORS 837.060​  - Aircraft registration expires annually on the anniversary of the date the aircraft was originally registered. You can renew your registeration at the payment portal. 

ORS 837.070 requires the notice of sale of an aircraft. The purchaser and seller shall file with the Oregon Department of Aviation an application to transfer the registration, stating the name and business address of the purchaser, the name of the seller, the registration number assigned to the aircraft, and a brief description of the aircraft as required for an original registration.

The Aircraft Ownership Transfer Form and Fee are only necessary if the aircraft is transferred to a new owner in Oregon. If the aircraft will no longer be based in Oregon no form or fee is required by ODAV.

04-2018-Aircraft-Ownership-Transfer-Form.pdfAircraft Ownership Transfer Form

ORS 837.075 requires that any dealer in new and/or used aircraft in the state of Oregon must apply to the Department of Aviation for an Aircraft Dealer´s License. A fee in the amount of $250 must accompany the application form and is thereafter required on an annual basis.

05-2018-Oregon-Aircraft-Dealer-Registration-Form.pdfAircraft Dealer Registration Form

OAR 738-060 requires periodic Sales and Acquisitions reports per the schedule listed below.  Dealer Sales and Acquisitions Report


Sales and Acquisitions in the months of: Report Due by:
January-MarchApril 15
April - JuneJuly 15
July - SeptemberOctober 15
October-DecemberJanuary 15


Reports may be submitted by email to or mailed to


Oregon Department of Aviation

Aircraft Dealer License

3040 25th St SE

Salem, OR 97302