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ODOT Library

Welcome to the ODOT Library

Location and Hours:

Oregon Department of Transportation Library is located in the Transportation Building at the State Capitol State Park: 

Oregon DOT Library and History Center
355 Capitol St. NE, MS55 
Salem, OR 97301

Hours are currently by appointment only on Mondays, WednesdaysThursdays, or Fridays from 9am - 4pm. Please expect 24-48 hours for confirmation of appointment. 

Mission Statement:

As part of the ODOT Research Section, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Library serves as a technical information resource for our agency, as well as providing services to other country, state, county, and local government agencies, as well as the general public. 

Collection Overview:

The collection includes a comprehensive selection of transportation-related publications, journals, and standards, including titles from American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Transportation Research Board, Federal Highway Association, and American Society of Civil Engineers. 

In addition, the library houses the ODOT History Center, which offers an extensive collection of historic photos, reports, maps and documents covering the 100+ year history of the agency.

Library Services:

The ODOT Library provides:

  • Professional and technical reference books and manuals.
  • Technical information and specialized transportation research assistance.
  • Interlibrary loan services for items not found in the ODOT Library.
  • Online access to standards and journals (ODOT employees only), and databases for research assistance.
  • Study guides and resources for FE and PE exams.
  • Reference materials, including Oregon Laws (1911-current), Oregon Blue Book (1911-current), and ODOT biennial and annual reports.


Engineering Workbench from Accuris has replaced the agency subscription to the ASTM Compass Portal for access to ASTM standards and AASHTO titles.  Please check below under the "Journals and Standards" tab for information on registering and accessing this resource.  The Accuris subscription is for ODOT employees only.

​The ODOT Library catalog allows you to search the library collections. Items can be sent by shuttle or mail; simply phone or email to request a loan. Items not found in the collection can generally be obtained from other libraries through Interlibrary Loan.

ODOT Library Catalog

PE, FE and FS Resources and Study Guides​

Access to these resources is provided to ODOT employees only. 

ASTM International Logo AASHTO: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials - The Voice of Transportation Logo

NEW! Engineering Workbench from Accuris  

Access AASHTO Titles and ASTM Standards through our new platform. For registration help, try viewing a short video and reading the FAQs​. Engineering Workbench replaces the ASTM Compass Portal.

Other AASHTO PDF Titles (Intranet)

ASCE: American Society of Civil Engineers Logo  

ASCE Library: American Society of Civil Engineers - Full-text articles from 33 journal titles 1983 - current, and conference proceedings 1996-current.  No log-in is required from ODOT machines.

TRB: Transportation Research Board of the National Academies Logo  

Transportation Research Record: the Journal of the Transportation Research Board: Sage Publishing now provides the platform for this journal, including full-text content 1996-current. Older hard-copy volumes can be accessed through the ODOT Library. No log-in is required from ODOT machines; articles can be downloaded from the website.

TRB Conference Proceedings: TRB is no longer providing online access to the Annual Meeting proceedings. Please contact the ODOT Library for conference papers.

Other TRB Journal Series

  • ​LibGuides: LibGuides offer a platform for gathering and organizing resources for research requests. Some of these guides were created by the ODOT librarian in response to specific requests from within the agency; others were prepared by other transportation librarians - several as a group effort. LibGuides are offered through a subscription negotiated by the FHWA transportation libraries pooled fund study.
Oregon Department of Transportation Library Services Logo


Amanda J. Carter, MSIS
ODOT Librarian
Telephone 971-701-0709 (Cell)
Email ODOT Library