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Vocational Rehabilitation

​​​​​​​​​​ Summer job at Habitat

Why Work During the Summer?

Summer work provides students the opportunity to participate in work experiences. These opportunities:

  • Develop positive work habits
  • Improve social skills
  • Support independence
  • Open​ future work possibilities

Work-based learning experiences have been shown to be one of the strongest predictors of adult employment success for students and youth with disabilities. ( The Federal Partners in Transition (FPT) workgroup. (n.d.) What to Know About Work-Based Learning Experiences​.)​​​

Summer Work Programs

Request for Application: Summer Work Experiences for Students 
Providers and schools may apply to provide a summer work experience program for students with disabilities age 14 to 21. 

Summer RFA 5307(Request for Applications) 

Key elements of the RFA​​ are:

  • Competitive, integrated employment
  • Programs must have at least 20% students with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
  • For students with disabilities ages 14 to 21

To a​pply: 

  • ​All interested applicants need to apply within OregonBuys at, using Bid: S-10000-00001920. 
  • If you have bid or application related questions, please contact Jason Fong at  
  • If you have program requirement questions, or you would like to know if a school or provider in your area has been accepted to provide these services, please contact C.J. Webb at  
  • All applications for summer 2023​ are due April 20, 2023. 


Camp LEAD (Leadership | Empowerment | Advocacy | Development) is a week-long, immersive leadership camp that helps students with disabilities, in Central Oregon, develop self-advocacy and social skills while giving them paid work experience and career exposure in the natural resources industry. This program through Heart of Oregon Corp. is made possible through our partnership with Youth Transition Program (YTP), a program within Vocational Rehabilitation, and Oregon State Parks. Camp LEAD serves students ages 16 to 21. They also have a program after Camp LEAD, called Go LEAD, to ensure the goals students developed through the LEAD curriculum have translated into their life experiences, and in the spring, if you are interested, they will have a LEAD Up program is another option to continue rising student leadership expectations of the summer program.  
