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PA Title Change to "Physician Associate" in Oregon

HB 4010 (2024) changes the “Physician Assistant" title to “Physician Associate" throughout Oregon statute starting June 6, 2024. Oregon is the first state to adopt this PA title change.

When can an Oregon-licensed PA start to use the title “Physician Associate" in Oregon?
On June 6, 2024, the title “Physician Assistant" will change to “Physician Associate" throughout Oregon law by operation of HB 4010 (2024). At that time, a PA may begin using the title “Physician Associate" in their Oregon practice. The bill does not require OMB to take any specific action before a PA can start using “Physician Associate" on June 6, 2024. The OMB suggests a PA align with their employer's/facility's implementation plans.

When will OMB reflect this title change?
It will take several months to fully reflect this title change in the OMB's informational materials and regulations. Starting in June 2024, the OMB will begin updating its website and external forms. The OMB expects to be able to update the external license verification service and begin the process of updating OMB rules in late Summer 2024.

Does the title change impact PA collaborative practice or a PA's scope of practice?
No. The PA title change is not substantive and does not impact any component of a PA's practice or scope of practice in Oregon. See PA collaborative practice website for more information on PA practice in Oregon.

Why was the PA title changed in Oregon?
The Oregon Legislature passed HB 4010 (2024), see the legislative history for information about this process. The national American Academy of Physician Associates (AAPA) changed the organization's name on May 24, 2021. See the AAPA's PA Title Change website and the Oregon Society of Physician Associates website for information about the purpose of the title change.

Does a PA's collaboration agreement need to be updated to include the title change?
No. Collaboration agreements are not submitted to the OMB. The OMB will not require collaboration agreements to be updated with the title change. See PA collaborative practice website for more information on PA practice in Oregon.

Can an Oregon PA licensed in other states use the title “Physician Associate" outside of Oregon?
The Oregon law only changes the title for PAs licensed and practicing in Oregon. Check the other state's licensing board for PA title requirements in that state.

How should health care facilities make the PA title change?
The OMB does not regulate facilities and cannot direct facilities on implementation of HB 4010. The OMB cannot provide legal advice, and facilities may need to seek their own legal counsel regarding the PA title change. PAs and the public may direct any questions or concerns directly to the health care facility.

Can Oregon PAs continue to use the title “Physician Assistant" in Oregon practice?
HB 4010 (2024) does not leave any reference to the title of “Physician Assistant" in Oregon statutes. However, other state and national regulations (e.g. DEA) continue to reference “Physician Assistant."  PAs in Oregon should be aware of the difference in Oregon law from other state and federal regulations and take care to ensure patients understand the role of each member in their care team.

Is there a deadline by which Oregon-licensed PAs must begin using the title “Physician Associate" in Oregon practice?
There is no implementation timeline or deadline to stop using the “Physician Assistant" title; however, the statutory changes are effective June 6, 2024.