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Office-Based Surgery Rules

Patient Safety in Office-Based Surgery

The Oregon Medical Board's office-based surgery rules classify levels of office-based surgeries by complexity and level of sedation/analgesia and set forth the corresponding requirements. The rules also establish a standard of practice for licensees performing office-based surgery and set forth requirements for where a licensee may perform office-based surgery. The rules provide assessment and informed consent procedures, requirements for patient medical records, emergency care and transfer protocol requirements, and require reporting of specified office-based surgical adverse events.

To report an adverse incident under OAR 847-017-0037, submit a letter in writing containing relevant information such as patient name and date of birth, date and type of office-based procedure, explanation of the procedure, any relevant care information, date of hospital admission and name of hospital, admitting diagnosis and hospital treatment, date of hospital discharge, and discharge diagnosis. Letters should be mailed to the Board at: Oregon Medical Board, 1500 SW 1st Avenue, Suite 620, Portland, OR 97201.

Please read the rules carefully to understand the Board's expectations for office-based surgical procedures. You may contact, Rules Coordinator, with any questions.  

IMQ Accredited Facilities: After July 31, 2020, the Institute for Medical Quality (IMQ) will stop providing accreditation services. The Oregon Medical Board will continue to recognize a facility accredited by IMQ until the facility’s accreditation period expires. IMQ facilities must actively seek accreditation before their accreditation period expires by another appropriate, Oregon Medical Board-recognized accreditation agency, including the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities (AAAASF), the Accreditation Association of Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC), and the Joint Commission. Until July 31, 2020, IMQ will service Oregon IMQ entities, please contact IMQ at (415) 882-5151 with further questions. 

The mission of the Oregon Medical Board is to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of Oregon citizens by regulating the practice of medicine in a manner that promotes access to quality care.