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Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Cards

You use an EBT card (Oregon Trail Card) to receive your food and cash benefits. It works like a debit card. Benefits are deposited into your account each month. You use your card and PIN number to buy food or withdraw cash.

You can use the ebtEDGE website or mobile app to view your benefits.

 Log in to ebtEDGEDownload on the App StoreGet it on Google Play

Using your cardProblem with cardProtect your card and benefits

Need help with your EBT card? Call 888-997-4447

Using your card

EBT Guide

​Your EBT card works like a debit card from a bank. 

  • ​You use your card and s​ecret PIN number to access the benefits in your account. Most stores that take EBT cards post signs to let you know.
  • EBT cards are used for several kinds of benefits programs. For example, if you have both food and cash benefits, you use the same EBT card to buy groceries and withdraw cash.​

 ​Electronic t​heft of Oregon EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) benefits is ​on the rise. There are steps you can tak​e to help keep your benefits secure.​

Protect your ben​efits now

What you can buy​

You can only use SNAP benefits​​ to buy food.

You can't use SNAP benefits to buy alcohol, cigarettes, vitamins, medicine, pet food or household pr​oducts.

​See what you can​ buy ​w​ith SNAP

Where you can buy food

You can use SNAP benefits to buy food at most grocery stores and at many farmers markets and farm stands. There are often signs posted to let you know a store or market takes EBT cards.

Double your SNAP dollars

You can double your SNAP dollars when you buy healthy foods ​through the ​ Double Up Food Bucks program at participating locations.​​

Getting cash from an ATM

​If you get cash benefits, you can use your EBT card and PIN to withdraw your cash benefits from an ATM.

ATM fees: Some ATM​s charge a service fee to get cash. You can find out if there is a ​fee by starting to take out cash. The ATM will tell you if there is a fee and how much it will ​be. You can cancel the withdrawal and try another ATM. ​​

Buying things or getting cash at stores

​If you get cash benefits, you can use your EBT card and PIN at the cash register to:

  • ​Buy food and non-food items at stores that take EBT cards. ​​The store will usually have a sign to let you know they take EBT cards.
  • Get cash back when you make a purchase at a store. S​ome stores let you get cash back without making a purchase, just ask the store clerk.

You can't use your EBT card to get cash at these locations:

  • Liquor stores, ​including retail stores ​that only or mostly sell beer or wine
  • Casinos or gambling establishments
  • Medical or recreational marijuana dispensaries
  • Adult entertainment businesses, including adult video stores

​Ca​sh benefits (TANF)

Cash benefits are available on the 1st day of every month, including weekends and holidays.​

Fo​od ben​efits (SNAP)

​SNAP benefits are distributed between the 1st and 9th day of the month, including weekends and holidays. 

The date you get your benefits depends on the last digit in your social security number (SSN).

​If your SSN ends in:​
​You ​will get benefits on:
​0 or 1
​1st day of the month
​2nd day of the month
3rd day of the month​
4th day of the month​
​5th day of the month
​6th day of the month
7th day of the month ​
8th day of the month​
9th day of the month​

SNAP cash out benefits are available on the 1st day of every month.

Unused benefits carry over to the next month, but you need to use them within one year. Any benefits you don't use ​within one year will be taken out of your account.

There are several ​ways to find out how much money is in your account.

​Here are the ways you can ​change your PIN number:​

  • Call customer service toll-free at 888-997-4447 and ask for your PIN to be changed.
  • Go online and login to ​your EBT account to ​change your PIN.​
  • Take your EBT card to the closest ODHS benefits office​. In these offices, a receptionist can help you get a new PIN. 

It’s important to keep your PIN number secret. Your card doesn’t work without your PIN. 

Don't let anyone else use your card and PIN.​ If someone is using your card without your approval, you should change your PIN.

To get an EBT card, you need to apply for benefits

Problem with card

Report it immediately to protect your benefits. 

If someone steals your card and spends your benefits, you can’t get them back. After you freeze your benefits, we will send you a new card so you can use any benefits that are still in your account.​ Benefits you already spent won't be replaced on the new card.​​

  • ​​If it's a weekday between 8:30 a.m. - ​4:30 p.m. (Pacific Time):
    • Call the replacement card line at 855-328-6715 to cancel your card and request a new one. You will get a replacement card by mail, usually within five business days.​
  • ​If it's a weekend or outside normal business hours:
    • Right away: Call the 24-hour toll-free customer service line at 888-997-4447 to cancel your card and protect your benefits.
    • ​Then during business hours: Call the replacement card line at 855-328-6715 to request a new ​card. You will get a replacement card by mail, usually within five business days.​

If you were the victim of electroni​c EBT theft like skimming or phishing, we may be able to replace your stolen benefits. Contact us within 30 days of finding out your benefits were stolen.​

Replace SNAP benefitsReplace TANF benefits

If you have your card but it ​doesn't work:

You have two options for getting a new card:

  • Go to a local ​ODHS benefits office to request a new card. Destroy your damaged card.
  • Call the replacement card line at 855-328-6715 to request a new one. You will get a new card by mail, usually within five business days. Destroy your damaged card.

If your benefits have been stolen through skimming, phishing or another form of electronic t​heft, cancel your card immediately.

  • ​​If it's a weekday between 8:30 a.m. - ​4:30 p.m. (Pacific Time):
    • Call the replacement card line at 855-328-6715 to cancel your card and request a new one. You will get a replacement card by mail, usually within five business days.​
  • ​If it's a weekend or outside normal business hours:
    • Right away: Call the 24-hour toll-free customer service line at 888-997-4447 to cancel your card and protect your benefits.
    • ​Then during business hours: Call the replacement card line at 855-328-6715 to request a new ​card. You will get a replacement card by mail, usually within five business days.​

We may be able to replace your stolen benefits. Contact us within 30 days of finding out your benefits were stolen.​

Replace SNAP benefitsReplace TANF benefits

The Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) does not discriminate against anyone. This means that ODHS will help all who qualify and will not treat anyone differently. See the USDA nondiscrimination statement for more information.