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Oregon Transportation Commission

About the Commission

The Oregon Transportation Commission establishes state transportation policy. The commission also guides the planning, development and management of a statewide integrated transportation network that provides efficient access, is safe, and enhances Oregon’s economy and livability. 

The commission meets regularly to oversee department activities relating to 
  • Highways; 
  • Public transportation; 
  • Rail;
  • Transportation safety; 
  • Motor carrier transportation; 
  • Drivers and motor vehicles.

The governor appoints five commissioners, ensuring that different geographic regions of the state are represented. One member must live east of the Cascade Range; no more than three members can belong to one political party.

Commission member biographies

Share a Comment 

Submit your comments to the commission using our comment form. Comments received will be shared with the commission. 

Comment Form

2025 Meeting Schedule 

Regular OTC meetings are scheduled the second Thursday, every other month unless otherwise posted. All OTC meetings will be Zoom hybrid meetings to allow full accessibility and public comment opportunities. 

  • January 16 - Salem, ODOT HQ
  • March 13 - Salem, ODOT HQ
  • May 8 - Salem, ODOT HQ
  • June 12 - Salem, ODOT HQ
  • July 31 - Corvallis (moved from July 10)
  • September 11 - Klamath Falls
  • November 13 - Astoria
  • December 11 - Salem, ODOT HQ


Watch a live stream of Commission meetings. YouTube link works best with the Chrome or Safari browsers. Visit our ODOT YouTube Channel for previous OTC meeting recordings. 

How to Interact with the Commission

The Commission places great value on information received from the public. If you wish to give testimony on any topic, including items not on the agenda, please sign up on the sheets provided at the meeting. A designated public comment time takes place near the beginning of the meeting. If there is time the Commission typically allows people to provide comment on specific agenda items at the time they are presented. As representatives of a larger constituency, federal, state, local, and tribal elected officials will be called up to testify first.


People wishing to testify or otherwise present information to the Commission are encouraged to:

  1. Provide written summaries of information to the Commission (10 copies);
  2. Limit testimony to three (3) minutes, recognizing that substance, not length, determines the value of testimony or written information;
  3. Endorse rather than repeat testimony of other witnesses; and
  4. Groups or organizations wishing to testify should designate one spokesperson whenever possible.


Please see Tips for Providing Public Comment for more information on effectively presenting to the Commission.

Written public comments delivered to the commission assistant at least two business days in advance of the initial day of the meeting can be copied and distributed to the commission.

Watch a video on how to share your comments with the Commission.

To submit comments electronically, please use the submission form.

To mail in comments, please use this address:

Oregon Transportation Commission
Attn: Commission Assistant
Oregon Department of Transportation
355 Capitol Street NE, MS11
Salem, OR 97301-3871


Reasonable accommodation, such as assistive hearing devices, sign language interpreters, and materials in large print or audiotape, will be provided as needed.

An American Sign Language video explains how to request an accommodation or share a comment.

In order to ensure availability, please contact the Commission Assistant at 503.986.3450 or email at least 72 hours prior to the meeting to make your request. TTY users can reach ODOT by using the Oregon Telecommunications Relay Service. Please dial 711 and ask to be connected to 503.986.3450.

Giving public testimony can be an exciting and fulfilling experience if you are prepared. Your public comments may influence the Commission's action. It also becomes part of the permanent record and may be used in future research. Below are suggestions to help make your presentation successful.


Know Your Audience

  • The members of the Commission are citizens. They care that you have taken time out of your day to come and testify before them.
  • Be respectful. Resist the temptation to scold, put down, or insult the decision makers or other witnesses. This tactic may alienate them from your cause.


Know the Issue

Support your personal opinions with facts. Be knowledgeable of the other side of the story. You may be asked to discuss the differences. Draw from your own knowledge and experience.


Be familiar with the Commission and know the location of the building, the meeting room, and the meeting time.

  • The agenda is available online and on the handout table in the back of the room.
  • You may want to attend a meeting or watch one online before you testify to become familiar with the process and room layout.
  • When you arrive at the meeting, sign the public comment registration sheet. The Chair may call elected officials to present first.
  • No signs, banners, or placards are allowed unless pre-cleared by the commission assistant.


Presenting Your Testimony

  • When you are called to testify, give copies of your testimony to the commission assistant before you begin your presentation.
  • Make sure your microphone is on.
  • Begin your presentation by addressing the chairperson first, then members of the committee. "Chair___, members of the commission . . ."
  • For the record, state your name and the organization or group you represent.
  • Do not read your testimony word for word. Prepare an outline and summarize.
  • Relax! The members understand that this can be an intimidating experience--they don't expect a perfect presentation.



Many Commission meetings take place at the ODOT headquarters, located on the Capitol Mall at 355 Capitol St NE Salem, OR 97301. Metered parking is available in the Capitol mall parking structure and surrounding areas.

When a Commission meeting is held outside of Salem, it will be noted on this website.

Past Meetings

For past meeting materials, visit our archives page.

Transportation Building in Salem in spring


Commission Coordinator 

Micayla Callahan
Executive Assistant

355 Capitol Street NE, MS #11 
Salem, OR 97301-3871 
Phone: 503-986-3450 
Fax: 503-986-3396

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