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Oregon Health Authority

Committees, Commissions and Workgroups

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Addic​tions and Mental Health Planning and Advisory Committee (AMHPAC)

The Addictions and Mental Health Planning and Advisory Council (AMHPAC) is responsible for reviewing the Combined Mental Health and Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant application and annual implementation reports, serving as an advocate for Oregonians with behavioral health disorders; and monitoring, reviewing and evaluating the allocation and adequacy of publicly-funded behavioral health services in Oregon.​

All-payer All-claims Technical Advisory Group

In a June 2013 letter, Governor Kitzhaber asked the Oregon Health Policy Board (OHPB) for recommendations which increase overall health care transparency and accountability, enhance the Oregon Insurance Division’s (OID’s) rate review process, and align care model attributes among the Public Employee Benefit Board, the Oregon Educators Benefit Board, and qualified health plans. In response, OHPB recommended in its December 2013 report that the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and OID use the All-Payer All-Claims (APAC) database to enhance transparency and accountability and provide validated statewide, plan, and health care entity-level data by market segment, health care setting, demographics, geography, diagnosis, and other variables.

Behavioral Health Committee

​The Behavioral Health Committee is led by community members with lived experience and expertise who will use their knowledge to advance the transformation of Oregon's behavioral healthcare system and increase the quality of services. The Committee will works towards these goals through improving outcomes, metrics, and incentives. The community members' perspective will allow a thoughtful review of how the system is functioning and will help identify needed system improvements.​

Behavioral Health Information Sharing Advisory Group

The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) has created an internal Behavioral Health Information Sharing Advisory Group to help improve care coordination. This group is focused on developing a strategy to support integrated care and services by enabling the electronic sharing of behavioral health information between providers.​

Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHC) Advisory Group

Congress passed the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (H.R. 4302) in March 2014 which includes provisions of the Excellence in Mental Health Act. This legislation aims to improve quality and access to behavioral health services through the creation of federal criteria for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) as entities to serve adults with serious mental illness, children with serious emotional disturbance, and those with long term and serious substance use disorders, as well as others with mental illness and substance use disorders.

Children's System Advisory Council

The Children's System Advisory Council (CSAC) serves as an advisory council for OHA's Child and Family Behavioral Health programs to support system planning, coordination, policy development, fiscal development and evaluation of service delivery and functioning.​

Coordinated Care Model Alignment Work Group

The Oregon Health Authority (OHA), the Public Employee Benefits Board (PEBB) and the Oregon Educators Benefits Board (OEBB) created the Coordinated Care Model Alignment Workgroup. The Workgroup met from 2014-2016 and was charged with developing a host of tools to assist in the implementing CCM principles across multiple market segments.​

Drinking Water Advisory Committee (DWA)

Enacted by Senate Bill 156 in 2007, the Drinking Water Advisory Committee (DWAC) was created to advise and assist Drinking Water Services on policies related to the protection, safety and regulation of public drinking water in Oregon.​

Early Learning Council - Oregon Health Policy Board Joint Subcommittee
The Early Learning Council and Oregon Health Policy Board works together to make sure all children in Oregon are healthy and Kindergarten ready.​
Health Care Workforce Committee
The Health Care Workforce Committee was established in 2010 by House Bill 2009, Section 7 (3)(a) and reports directly to the Oregon Health Policy Board.​
Health Equity Committee (HEC)
The Health Equity Committee is established by the Oregon H​ealth Policy Board (OHPB). The purpose of the committee is to coordinate and develop policy that proactively promotes the elimination of health disparities and the achievement of health equity for all people in Oregon. 
Health Evidence Review Commission (HERC)
The Health Evidence Review Commission reviews medical evidence in order to prioritize health spending in the Oregon Health Plan and to promote evidence​-based medical practice statewide through comparative effectiveness reports, including Coverage Guidances, health technology assessments and evidence-based practice guidelines.​
Health Information Technology Oversight Council (HITOC)
The Health Information Technology Oversight Council (HITOC) is tasked with setting goals and developing a strategic health information technology plan for the state, as well as monitoring progress in achieving those goals and providing oversight for the implementation of the plan.​
Health IT and Health Information Exchange Community Advisory Council (HCOP)
The Health Information Technology and Health Information Exchange Community and Organizational (HCOP) is a workgroup formed by the Health Information Technology Oversight Council (HITOC).​
Health Plan Quality Metrics Committee

​The Health Plan Quality Metrics Committee was established by Senate Bill 440 (2015) to identify health outcome and quality measures that may be applied to services provided by coordinated care organizations or paid for by health benefit plans sold though the health insurance exchange or offered by the Oregon Educators Benefit Board or the Public Employees’ Benefit Board. ​

Hospital Performance Metrics Advisory Committee

In 2013, Oregon House Bill 2216, Section 1, established the nine-member hospital performance metrics advisory committee appointed by the Director of the Oregon Health Authority. The committee used a public process to identify a set of performance standards (measures and targets) for ho​sp​itals that are designed to advance health system transformation, reduce hospital costs, and improve patient safety.​

Medicaid Advisory Committee (MAC)
The Medicaid Advisory Committee (MAC) is a federally-mandated body which advises the Oregon Health Policy Board (OHPB), the Office for Health Policy and Analytics and the Oregon Health Authority on the operation of Oregon’s Medicaid program, including the Oregon Health Plan.​
Metrics and Scoring Committee
Metrics and quality measures are used by the Oregon Health Authority to determine whether Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs) are effectively and adequately improving care, making quality care accessible, eliminating health disparities, and controlling costs for the populations that they serve.​
Oregon Cannabis Commission
The Oregon Cannabis Commission was established in the 2017 legislative session through House Bill 2198. The role and responsibilities of the Commission is to provide advice to the Oregon Health Authority with respect to the administration of ORS475B.400 to 475B.525; and the Oregon Liquor Control Commission with respect to the administration of ORS475B.010 to 475B.395, as those statutes pertain to registry identification cardholders and primary caregivers.
Oregon Consumer Advisory Council (OCAC)
The Oregon Consumer Advisory Council (OCAC), established per ORS 430.073, advises the Director of the Oregon Health Authority on the provision of behavioral health services in Oregon.
Oregon Council on Health Care Interpreters
The 15-member Oregon Council on Health Care Interpreters (OCHCI) advises the Oregon Health Authority on administrative rules and policy standards for the Health Care Interpreter Program. Council members are appointed by the Director of Oregon Health Authority. The Council meets quarterly and meetings are open to the public.
Oregon Health Policy Board (OHPB)

The nine-member Oregon Health Policy Board (OHPB) serves as the policy-making and oversight body for the Oregon Health Authority. The Board is committed to providing access to quality, affordable health care for all Oregonians and to improving population health.

Pain Management Commission (PMC)
The Oregon Pain Management Commission provides Oregon specific training required for certain licensed health care professionals as directed by ORS 413.590. Completion of the pain management module Advancing Pain Management in Oregon fulfills this requirement.​
Palliative Care and Quality of Life Interdisciplinary Advisory Council
The 2015 Legislature passed Senate Bill 608 establishing the Palliative Care and Quality of Life Interdisciplinary Advisory Council within the Oregon Health Authority (OHA).
Primary Care Payment Reform Collaborative

​Oregon is required by statute (Chapter 575 Oregon Laws) to convene a Primary Care Payment Reform Collaborative to advise and assist in the implementation of a Primary Care Transformation Initiative. The purpose of the Initiative is to develop and share best practices in technical assistance and methods of reimbursement that direct greater health care resources and investments toward supporting and facilitating health care innovation and care improvement in primary care.​

Sustainable Health Care Cost Growth Target Implementation Committee

​Senate Bill 889 directs the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to work with partners and consumers to set a Sustainable Health Care Cost Growth Target that would apply to insurance companies, hospitals and health care providers, so that health care costs do not outpace wages or the state’s economy. Through this program, OHA will also identify opportunities to reduce waste and inefficiency, resulting in better care at a lower cost.​​

Traditional Health Worker Commission

The Commission promotes the traditional health workforce in Oregon's Health Care Delivery System to achieve Oregon's Triple Aim of better health, better care, and lower costs. The Commission advises and makes recommendations to the Oregon Health Authority, to ensure the program is responsive to consumer and community health needs, while delivering high-quality and culturally competent care.