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Oregon Health Authority

Renewing Your Oregon Health Plan (OHP) Coverage

We Will Send You a Letter When It's Time to Renew.

Renewing your OHP means making sure you still qualify for OHP. When it is time for you to renew, we will check to see if we have your updated information.

We will send you ONE of the following letters.

The letter will say what you need to do to renew your OHP.

The letter will say whose OHP is renewed or denied. It will also have a summary of your case information (called a “Household Medical Case Summary"). When you get this letter:

  • Review the summary.
  • Contact OHP if any information in the summary has changed.

If you need to send more information, the letter will say this. If this happens, you will get another letter. This letter will ask for more information to finish renewing.

If your OHP was denied, make sure OHP has your current information. Do this by contacting OHP or your local Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) office.

This letter will have directions about what you need to do. You may need to send documents or complete an interview. Please follow the directions in this letter.

The letter will also have a summary of your case information (called a “Household Medical Case Summary"). When you get this letter:

  • Review the summary.
  • Contact OHP if any information in the summary has changed.​

​We will send you a packet to complete, sign and return to OHP or your local ODHS office.
  • If you have changes, complete, sign and return the packet to OHP.
  • If you don't have any changes, complete, sign and return the form with the box marked "No, I did not check off any boxes."

The letter will also have a summary of your case information (called a “Household Medical Case Summary"). When you get this letter:

  • Review the summary.
  • Contact OHP if any information in the summary has changed.

You may need to fill out the OHP Part 2 Renewal form. We mailed a copy to you, but you can also get this form in EnglishSpanishRussianVietnameseSimplified ChineseTraditional ChineseArabic, or Somali.

Other ways to renew your OHP​

You can also renew your OHP in the following ways:

Need help?

Use the renewal guide to help fill out your renewal form. You can get the guide in English, Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Arabic, or Somali.​

Make Sure You Can Get Your Renewal Letters:

Let us know if you move! 

Please tell us when your address changes. Visit the Report Changes page to learn ways to send an address change to OHP.

Use ONE to view your letters online.

You can view letters we send you in your Oregon Eligibility (ONE) account. Learn how to get started using ONE.

Ways to Send Information:

If your renewal letter says to send more information, you can:

If your letter says you need to have an interview, schedule one right away. To do this:

Need Help Renewing?

We have trained community partners who can help you renew your coverage in person. It’s free. Visit to find a community partner in your area.

You can also call ONE Customer Service at 800-699-9075 (for TTY call 711). 

If You Do Not Respond to Your Renewal Letter:

If OHP asks for a response and you do not respond to your renewal letter, we will send these letters. You can respond to these letters to renew your OHP. 

  • Reminders 60 days and 30 days before the "respond by" date on your renewal letter. 
  • A close notice 60 days before your benefits are scheduled to end. 
  • A notice when your OHP benefits end. Even if you get this notice, you still have 90 days to respond and renew your OHP. After that, you will need to apply for OHP if you want OHP coverage. 

If You Do Not Agree with a Renewal Decision:

If you think you were denied OHP by mistake, make sure OHP has your correct information on file. 

  • Call ONE Customer Service or your local ODHS office. They can update your information and see if you now qualify for OHP.
  • If OHP has your correct information but you think you should still qualify for OHP, ask OHP to review the decision. To do this, ask for a hearing. Learn more about your right to a hearing.



What to do when you get your renewal letter:


Need Help?

Find an OHP-certified community partner. Their help is free.

Visit a local Oregon Department of Human Services office.

Call ONE Customer Service at 1-800-699-9075 or 711 (TTY)

  • For ONE technical support, press option 2.

Open 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday

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