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Oregon Health Authority

Using Your Oregon Health Plan (OHP) Benefits

Are You New to OHP?

When you are first approved for OHP, you will get a Notice of Eligibility. It says when your benefits start. You will have fee-for-service (or "open card") OHP starting on the date of this notice.

  • Fee-for-service does not mean you pay for the services. 
  • It means you can see any provider who agrees to bill Oregon Health Authority (OHA) for your care.

Your OHP coverage letter will come two or three weeks after your Notice of Eligibility.

  • The letter lists your coordinated care organization (CCO).
  • Your Oregon Health ID comes with this letter. This is your OHP ID card. Show this at health care visits.
  • To learn more about how to use your OHP benefits, read your OHP member handbook

If it is your first month of OHP and you do not have your ID cards yet:

  • Call OHP Client Services (800-273-0557).
  • Please know that if you are approved for OHP, but have not received your ID card, you are still covered for servicesYour provider can look up your OHP record using your name and date of birth.

Follow These Steps to Start Using Your OHP:

OHP has local health plans that help you use your benefits. These plans are called coordinated care organizations or CCOs.

Most OHP members are enrolled in a CCO. Your CCO:

  • Can help you get the care you need. 
  • Works with providers like doctors, counselors, nurses, pharmacies and dentists near you. 

Find your CCO's website, provider directory, dental plans, and more. Your coverage letter (al​so known as "welcome letter") also lists your CCO.

If you are new to OHP, your CCO will send you a welcome letter and ID card about two weeks after you get OHP. 

If you need to get care before then, you can contact any provider that takes OHP.

Don't have a CCO?

​If you want to enroll in a CCO, find your local CCO to see if they are accepting members. Ask OHP Client Servic​es​ (800-273-0557) about your options.

Learn more about why some people are not enrolled in CCOs.​​

A primary care provider is who you will see for regular visits, prescriptions and care. You can pick one, or your CCO can help you pick one.

Primary care providers can be doctors, nurse practitioners and more. Don’t forget to ask your CCO about a dentist, mental health provider, and pharmacy. Learn more about how to find providers.​

If you do not pick a provider you want to see, your CCO will pick one for you. Your CCO will send you a letter with your provider’s information. Some CCO ID cards also list your provider.

Your CCO has a list of providers. Find your CCO and click “Provider Directory.”

Don’t have a CCO?

Call 800-562-4620 to get help finding  fee-for-service ("open card") providers. You can also try using these online resources, then contact the provider to see if they are accepting new patients.

If you have private health insurance, ask your insurance company about providers you can see. Learn more about OHP and private health insurance​.

You can make an appointment with your provider as soon as you pick one.

Make appointments to meet your providers and get a checkup. Don’t wait until you are sick. To stay healthy, make a plan with your providers to get checkups every year.

​When you make the appointment, tell your provider about your OHP, CCO and any other health coverage you have. Have your ID cards ready when you call.

At the appointment:

  • Bring a list of questions to ask your provider. 
  • Be ready to talk about your family’s health history, and any prescriptions, vitamins or other medicines you take.

Your provider may give you a prescription or instructions to follow later. If you don’t understand, ask questions. Your provider is there to help.

Learn more about what to do before, during and after health care appointments.​

Need Help?

 Try the Oregon Health Plan Quick Start Guide. The guide will help you learn how to:
  • Use OHP and how to get help when you need it. 
  • Pick a provider, make an appointment, report changes and more.
Need the guide in another language? It's available in: 

You may need to download Adobe Reader to view these guides.


Member Resources

Finding providers

Health care appointments

OHP contacts

OHP handbooks

Words to know


We want to make sure you have the information you need. 

Talk to your CCO

 Call 1-800-273-0557

  Ask OHP