Transparency FAQs

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House Bill 2500, approved by the Legislature in 2009, directed the Department of Administrative Services to develop and make available the Oregon Transparency website. This website allows people to view data and information that is public record and not exempt from disclosure. 

In 2015, House Bill 3099 transferred these responsibilities and functions from the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) to the State Chief Information Officer. ​

This website contains data and information about state entities (agencies, boards, commissions, etc.) including but not limited to:

  • revenues
  • expenditures
  • human resource expenses
  • tax expenditures
  • contracting and subcontracting information
  • descriptions of the entities mission, function, and program categories
  • audit reports issued by the Secretary of State

For more informational updates, visit the About Us page. 

Unless otherwise specified, data and information provided throughout this website is updated on an annual basis.  

​Funding, expenditure, and payroll data and information is based on transactions recorded by state entities (agencies, boards, commissions, etc.) on systems housed within the Department of Administrative Services (DAS), unless otherwise specified. These DAS systems, are housed within the following divisions: Enterprise Goods and Services; Enterprise Human Resource Services; and the Chief Financial Office.  

For state employees, workforce data such as annual salaries that are listed, are twelve times the employee's monthly adjusted salary rate. "Annual Salary" includes most differential payments (such as work-out-of-classification and bilingual differential) but excludes payments for overtime, shift dif​ferential, benefits, and vacation payout. 

For Education Service Districts, the funding, expenditure, contract, and payroll information is based on transactions recorded by Education Service District systems. Documents on the Legislative, Secretary of State, and other agency websites are also relied upon as resources. 

For questions about agency-specific data and information, contact the agency directly through this Agency Contact link. If you have general questions about the Transparency website, email oregon.transparency@das.oregon.gov

This website is a tool that provides a starting point for learning more about how state government works, what your taxes buy, and how purchasing decisions are made. 

If you have questions about the website, datasets, or general information, please email oregon.transparency@das.oregon.gov. ​​​