State Expenditures

State Expenditures (Checkbook)

State agency, Oregon Lottery, Secretary of State, Educational School District (ESD), Governor's Budget and Legislative Fiscal Office expenditure reporting and resources.

On June 26, 2021, the Oregon Legislature finalized a 2021-23 budget comprised of planned expenditures of $25.447 billion General Fund, $1.363 billion Lottery Funds, $48.568 billion Other Funds, and $37.411 billion Federal Funds. This page provides access to the state Agency Expenditures Multi-Year, Oregon Lottery Expenditures - Multi-Year, Secretary of State (SOS) Expenditure, and Educational School District (ESD) Expenditures reports
The Statewide Financial Management Systems (SFMS) provides services and controls in the management of Statewide Financial Management Application (SMFA). The current SFMA is the Relational Statewide Accounting and Reporting System (R*STARS)
The Multi-Year reports provide information on expenditures (i.e., cash transactions/payments) for the agencies that utilize SFMA issued for fiscal years 2023 - 2019 and includes the Oregon Aviation Department expenditures. The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) expenditures is provided within the 2023 ODOT Annual Financial Report button. A full description of expenditure information reporting and other details can be found in the 2023 Data Disclosure Dictionary

Transparency Newsletter Feature: Expenditures logo with large text
State Agency Expenditures – Multi-Year Report 2019-2024

This list of state agencies expenditure data covers multiple fiscal years, not including expenditures for the Oregon Lottery, Oregon Universities, semi-independent agencies, boards, or commissions.

2019-2024 Agency Expenditures Report
ODOT Financial Report - FY2023
Oregon Lottery
Oregon Lottery Expenditures - Multi-Year Report 
This report includes Oregon Lottery expenditure data and information.  The Oregon Lottery uses Microsoft Dynamics a stand alone ERP (enterprise resource planning) system for financial transactions. 

Oregon Lottery Expenditures Report
Oregon Secretary of State
Secretary of State (SOS) Expenditure Reports

This report includes official payroll and non-payroll financial accounting expenditures.

SOS Expenditure Reports
Oregon education school window
Educational School District (ESD) Expenditures 

The data and information contained in these reports include All payments for the fiscal year that were applied to an expense account, contract data and more.

ESD Expenditures Report

Expenditure Resources

Oregon Governor Budget 
2023-2025 Governor's Budget
This report provides both budget priorities and funds expenditures by category and program area. 
Governor's Budget

Legislative Fiscal Office Budget Report - Oregon Legislative Assembly

Fiscal Year 2023 State of Oregon Financial Condition Report
This report, contains high-level historical indicators of Oregon’s financial conditional, information regarding the impacts of weather-related emergencies, opioid use, and a summary of COVID pandemic spending.
Oregon Financial Condition Report

Did you know...

What can you find in the State Agency Expenditures report?
  • All payments for fiscal years 2019 - 2022, applied to an expense account within SFMA for the agency.
  • Payments to individuals identified in the system 
What data is not provided in this report?
  • Payments to employees whose records are specifically protected from disclosure based on a protective court order were removed. 
  • Any payment that did not include a vendor name within SFMA was removed. Many agencies use subsystems to generate checks and only provide SFMA with summary information.  
  • System entries related to vendors with negative amounts (i.e., credit amounts) were removed.

Agency Expenditures – 2019-2023 Multi-Year Report