State Salaries


State Agencies and Lottery Employees Salaries

Salary reporting dashboards, reporting, information and related resources.


State Agency Employee Open Data Salary ReportState Lottery Employee Open Data Salary ReportTransparency Newsletter Feature: State Salaries

Interactive State Agency and Oregon Lottery Salary Search Dashboards

Search salary data results by selecting/unselecting agency, position, service type, and/or fiscal year criteria. Select and unselect any topic in sequence, multiple choice or separate container. To clear search results, unselect each choice or use the 'Reset All Selections' button. Reset can also be achieved by refreshing your screen. The dashboard can be expanded to full screen mode for easier viewing and navigation. The expansion tool is also located on the lower right toolbar, below the dashboard. logo with large text

What's included in the state Agency employee salaries report?

Each annual salary is 12 times that of a particular employee's monthly adjusted salary rate as of June 30th based on fiscal year. "Annual Salary" includes most differential payments (such as work-out-of-classification and bilingual differential), but excludes payments for overtime, shift differential, benefits, and vacation payout.

This report does not include annual salaries for employees of semi-independent agencies, seasonal employees, temporary employees, Board and Commission members, Oregon State Treasury or records protected by court order. Salary data fields that are blank are due to the pay type/frequency being on as “as needed” basis and not predictable or typical. Examples would include but are not limited to: judges that are given a daily rate when called for service. logo with large text

What's included in the state Lottery employee salaries report?

These reports reflect the annual salary rate based on assigned primary duties and work effort at the time. They do not include payments for overtime, shift differential, benefits, vacation payout, etc. 

Salary data may not reconcile to a full-time annualized salary rate or actual wages paid. 

Reasons include fluctuations in work effort, and terms\conditions of employment that change over time.

How are employee positions created, budgeted & used?
The link below introduces budget related issues for state employee positions and was prepared in 2016 by the Legislative Fiscal Office (LFO).

Oregon LFO Resources
What is the Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer's (CHRO)?

The Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer's (CHRO) purpose is to provide direction and services to promote a stable and qualified workforce in Oregon state government, while reflecting the state's values of accountability, equity, excellence and integrity.

The Lottery separated from the State’s payroll system on June 1, 2013.
This was done to improve productivity and efficiency of the Lottery’s payroll process, by partnering with Ceridian, a payroll service provider who provides an automated time and attendance system, and a Human Resource/Payroll system.  
Did you know you can download and view the State agencies and Lottery salaries reports on the Open Data Portal?

Agency Salary Report

Lottery Salary Report