Oregon Transparency

Welcome to the Oregon Transparency Website!

Oregon's Transparency website is a multi-agency resource designed to provide how your tax dollars are spent to move our state forward.

This website is a tool and resource that will help you learn more about your state government, how it works, what your taxes buy, how purchasing decisions are made and much more! 

At-A-Glance: state Purchase orders - State Expenditures - state Funding Sources

Additional Transparency Topics

transparency outdoor computer coffee cup  

About Oregon Transparency

In 2009, House Bill 2500 was approved during the 2009 legislative session, requiring that the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) create the Oregon Transparency website to provide information about state agency revenues, expenditures, contracting, human resources, other data, and informational resourcesToday's Transparency Program provides a wealth of information including reports, data, informational dashboards, related resources and agency/program information designed to open state government for everyone.
Learn More About Oregon Transparency
photo trillium lake transparency bulletin  

Subscribe & Stay informed Oregon Transparency News & Information

Transparency topics, resources and transparency-bulletin-subscribe.pngnews are now available 
within the monthly EIS Digest newsletter. Informative 
Transparency Newsletter archive links can be found below. 

Archived 2023-24 Transparency Bulletins

January - February| March| April - MayAugust - SeptemberJanuary 2024 

Archived 2022 Transparency Bulletins