Public Records Request

State Public Records Request

Public records request links by agency, commission and programs.

A public request for records is a way of accessing information that is held by a government agency. In order request a public record from a state of Oregon agency, commission or program, a direct request can be made directly from the agency public records specific webpage, found in the list below. Oregon SB 515 (2015) was passed during the 2015 Legislative Session. As a result, “information describing the process for requesting copies of public records from a public body, including a link to the public records section of the Department of Justice webpage” is included below.

Public Records Request Agency - Entity Contacts

The report below provides up to date state agency - entity contacts and direct links for public records requests for each agency.

Public Records Request Resources

Oregon Department of Justice 
Oregon Department of Justice (DOJ) Resources
For more information on public records, exemptions, related manuals and more.
DOJ Public Records and Meetings Law

oregon capitol mall 
Secretary of State (SOS) Archival Records
Searchable archival records through the ORMS, a records management solution that provides public access to a variety of records from any jurisdiction in Oregon that chooses to participate. 
Secretary of State Archival Records

Did you know...

What is a public record?
Public records are documents or pieces of information that are not considered confidential and generally pertain to the conduct of government.
Who is subject to Public Records Law?
The law applies to every public body, including every state officer, agency, department, bureau, board, and commission, as well as every county and city governing body, school district, special district, municipal corporation, or any board, department, commission, council or agency thereof.
How to request a public record?
You must make a public records request to the government agency or official who has or controls the record. You may submit your request in writing, including email. All public bodies in Oregon must have a written procedure for making public records requests.

Public Records & Meeting Manual