State Education - Schools

State Education  - Schools

Public Universities, Community Colleges, Schools and Education Service Districts (ESDs).

There are more than 1,200 public K-12 schools organized into 197 school districts in the State of Oregon. The are 17 Community Colleges with 60 campuses and related centers. There are 7 public universities. The oldest college is Willamette University, which was established 1842, and is the oldest university in the Western United States. 
Central Oregon Community College (COCC) was founded in 1949 as part of the Bend School District and is the longest standing community college in Oregon. The COCC College District was formed in 1959 and officially established as the Central Oregon Area Education District by a vote of residents in 1962.
On this page you will find Expenditures, budget, revenue, data, resources and related reports that provide detail on Oregon's Education landscape.  
oregon universities
Lost Job? Looking to reskill? 

The $200 million Future Ready Oregon investment package supports numerous workforce education and training programs and talent development strategies across the state. 

Learn more about some of the post secondary training programs available to Oregonians.

oregon educator
Worker Adjustment and Retaining Notification (WARN)
The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) act requires companies with 50 or more employees to notify affected workers 60 days prior to closures and layoffs. Learn about the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) system.  

The HECC Office of Workforce Investments sends out public notifications regarding some impending layoffs under the authority of the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act.

WARN Act Notifications
online education oregon
Eligible Training Provider Resources

Oregon's Eligible Training Provider list is a tool for participants seeking training to identify appropriate providers and programs, and relevant information, such as cost and program outcomes.

If you are interested in learning about funding and other support for eligible training, or potentially enrolling in one of the ETPL programs, check the ETPL provider list.

oregon universities
Oregon Universities: Budget, Revenue, Expenditures & Expense

There are seven public universities in Oregon, each with unique strengths and academic programs, serving the students of the state, the region, and beyond. 

For more information on each university please visit:

Public universities are required data and informational links to budget, revenue, and expenditures. Below are the links to each universities annual budget and expenditure reports.

oregon educator
Community Colleges: Budget-Revenue-Expenditures
Oregonians are served by seventeen community colleges with campuses and centers throughout the state providing open access to advance their education and training.

For more information on the community colleges and the programs they offer please visit:

Community Colleges are required data and informational links to budget, revenue, and expenditures. Below are the links to each colleges annual budget and expenditure reports.

CCFIS Resources
online education oregon
Oregon Universities: State-wide Program Listings

The Oregon Legislature provides funding through HECC for statewide programs operated by Public Universities and focus on research, public service, or economic development. 

Examples include the Tallwood Design Institute operated out of Orgon State University, Oregon Solutions operated out of Portland State University and the Labor Education Research Center (LERC) operated out of the University of Oregon. If you want to learn more, click on the link below to be taken to a full list of the programs and where you can learn more about them.

Did you know...

When people hear “higher education” or “postsecondary education” they sometimes think of four-year colleges. 
We approach it as that and so much more.
We advocate for a broad range of postsecondary education and training options beyond high school, from apprenticeships to career certificates, and from two- and four-year degrees to doctorates. 
 Learn more at:
HECC Website

Educational Service District (ESD) Resources

student dreams window 
ESD Data Reports
Review expenditures, contracts, and workforce/salary data and information.

ESD Data Report

esd sidewalk students 
ESD Resource Reports and Plans
Review local service plans, audits, websites, and reports.

ESD Resource Links

ESD Revenue Data
Review revenue funding, reporting schedules, and contact information.

ESD Revenue 

Did you know...

Currently, there are 19 Education Service Districts (ESDs) serving Oregon’s 36 counties.
ESDs assist school districts and the State of Oregon in achieving Oregon's education goals by providing equitable educational opportunities for all of Oregon’s public school students.
Each ESD provides regional services to its component school districts, primarily in areas that the school districts alone would not be able to adequately and equitably provide. 
Services are offered within four large categories: special needs children, school improvement, technology, and administrative services. 
The purpose of Oregon’s Education Service Districts (ESDs) is defined in Oregon law (Oregon Revised Statute ORS 334.005). 
ORS 334.005 
Contact Information 
For questions about ESD Revenue Reports, email Evan Fuller at the Oregon Department of Education. 
Evan Fuller
In addition, you can also email: or call (503) 947-5600 for more information. 

Did you know...

Universities, as noted in ORS 352.002, are represented through the following reports. Per HB 2946 (2017), section 1(7)(a)(E), data and informational links to statewide programs operated by public universities are also provided.
ORS 352.002
HB 2946 (2017) passed during the 2017 Legislative Session which requires that data and informational links to budget, revenue, and expenditures be reported for Community Colleges, Universities, and Statewide University Programs. 
These requirements are noted in sections 1(7)(a)(B), (D) and (E) of the bill. 
HB 2946
Oregon Community Colleges, as noted in ORS 174.117, are represented in the report data links.
During the 2017 Legislative Session HB 2946 was passed. Sections 1(7)(a)(B), (D) and (E) of the bill require data and informational links to budget, revenue, and expenditures be added to the Oregon Transparency website for Community Colleges, Universities, and University Programs. 
HB 2946
ESD Resources 
esd hallway student running 
Oregon School Board Association
The Oregon School Boards Association is dedicated to improving student success and education equity through advocacy, leadership and service to Oregon public school boards. For questions about this data and information, a resource listing of  Education Service Districts (ESDs) is provided by the Oregon School Boards Association.
Oregon School Boards Association

Oregon Association of Education Service Districts (OAESD) 
Oregon Association of Education Service Districts (OAESD) is a statewide association of Education Service Districts (ESDs). OAESD proudly provides resources, support, and a focus for collaboration among its 19 member ESDs, which are an integral part of Oregon’s regional education service system.