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Types of Hearings

 GEI & REI Hearings

Administrative Hearings

At an administrative hearing, the Board conducts deliberations in private so the client, case manager and attorneys do not attend. Most modifications of conditional release are handled via an administrative hearing.

Full Hearings

At full hearings, the client, his or her attorney, Department of Justice (represents the State and the District Attorney) and the Board are at the hearing. Two-year, 5-year, revocation and conditional release hearings for adult clients are conducted through a full hearing.

Initial Hearings

Initial hearings must occur within 90 days after the court's order committing the individual to PSRB if the client is in the hospital or a secure intensive inpatient facility (ORS 161.341(6)(a)) or when the court places an adult client on conditional release (ORS 161.341(10). When the court places a youth client on court conditional release, there is no statutory requirement specifying the time for that client’s initial hearing; however, the Board’s policy is to set those clients’ hearings within 90 days to mirror the period associated with other clients.

2-Year/1-Year Hearings

​​Adult clients who reside at OSH will have a hearing at least once every two years. Youth clients committed to a hospital under the JPSRB have hearings at least once every year.​​

Hospital Request for Conditional Release (CR) or Discharge
When a person is committed to a state hospital or secure intensive community inpatient facility and the superintendent of the hospital or director of the facility is of the belief that the person no longer meets jurisdictional criteria or no longer needs hospital level of care, the statute indicates that the superintendent or director shall apply for an order of discharge or conditional release. The application must be accompanied by a report setting forth the facts supporting the opinion, and the Board is required to hold a hearing on the application within 60 days (30 days if it is a juvenile) of its receipt. Not less than 20 days (10 days if a juvenile) prior to the hearing, the report should be sent to the Attorney General. See also the section in this guide about jurisdictional discharge hearings proposed by OSH.​​​

5-Year/3-Year Hearings

When the PSRB places an individual on conditional release, the Board will hold a hearing at the five year (three years, if a youth) mark to consider the client's progress.

Patient/Outpatient-Requested Hearing

Clients may ask for a hearing six months after their last hearing, requesting a conditional release evaluation, conditional release, modification to his/her conditional release, or an early discharge from jurisdiction.

Supervisor Request for Outpatient Hearing

A case monitor may request a hearing if they support a modification to the conditional release or an early discharge from jurisdiction.

Revocation Hearings

Held within 20 days (10 days, if a youth) after client is admitted to the hospital on a revocation order.

 Extremely Dangerous Persons with Qualifying Mental Disorder Hearings

PSRB Initial Commitment and Recommitment Hearings

Hospital Requested Hearings

Outpatient Supervisor Requested Hearings

Revocation Hearings

Administrative Hearings

Certification Hearings