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Civil Commitment under the Board

Enabling Legislation: ORS 426.701 and 702
In 2013, the Oregon legislature passed Oregon Revised Statutes 426.701 and 702, creating a new civil commitment category: PSRB civil commitment for individuals adjudicated extremely dangerous persons with mental illness. These individuals have committed certain defined offenses and have persistent mental illness that is resistant to treatment. Under this law, a district attorney may petition the court to initiate commitment proceedings for those who: 
  • have committed one of these serious offenses;
  • have certain types of mental disorders that cause them to present a serious danger to the safety of other persons; 
  • because of this, present an extreme risk to inflict grave or potentially lethal physical injury on others; and
  • unless committed, would continue to represent an extreme risk to the safety of other persons in the foreseeable future.
PSRB Extremely Dangerous Civil Commitment Program Administrative Rules 
Civil Commitments For Extremely Dangerous Persons with Mental Illness (EDPMI)