As a PERS retiree, limits may exist to how many hours you can work for a PERS-participating employer and still receive your retirement benefits.
Senate Bill (SB) 1049 (2019) temporarily changed some of those limits for most retirees. The work after retirement (WAR) rules set by SB 1049 will now continue through December 31, 2034, based on House Bill 2296 (2023).
PERS has created two flowcharts to help you easily determine if you have a limit to your WAR hours. They depend on whether your employment is categorized as “general service” or “police and fire.” Each chart has information for Tier One, Tier Two and Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP) members:
In addition to the flowcharts, read the webpage
SB 1049 changes: Work After Retirement.
Rules that were in effect before SB 1049 are available as follows, depending on your membership type: