By law, PERS is required to pay out the benefit that you earned. Estimates rely on information
reported by your PERS-participating employer(s) from throughout your career. This information
includes service credit, hours worked, and salary history. However, your final vacation and
sick leave information may not be reported until you end all PERS-qualifying employment.
When you apply to retire, PERS will thoroughly review and verify all of your member
information. If errors or discrepancies are found, your benefit will be adjusted accordingly.
As such, this review process may produce a final benefit amount that differs from what
appeared in your estimates.
Examples of what can cause errors or discrepancies:
- Under- or over-reporting by your employer(s).
- Technical issues, such as double-posting of contributions or earnings.
- Divorce.
- Any legally required corrections.
It's important to remember that a benefit estimate is just that — an estimate. It is not the
final determination of your benefit.