How many benefit estimates can I generate online and how long are they stored in the database?
You may create as many benefit estimates as you would like. However, the system will only store the six most recent estimates. These estimates will be available until a benefit is processed. How current is the data used in my benefit estimate(s)? The data used is the most current information that your employer(s) has provided. Normally, employers report data to PERS monthly so there could be a lag. Account balances are current as of December 31 of the previous year.
Where can I get more information on "buy backs" or "purchases?"
Voluntary Purchases and Other Opportunities for Additional Service Time Credit at Retirement for Tier One and Tier Two Members
Why is my "waiting time" purchase cost $0.00?
Your employer may not have reported income for your first year of employment, or the information may not be in the system. This information will be retrieved for a written benefit estimate.
Request a written benefit estimate.
Why is service time shown in months instead of years?
Statute directs that accrued service time is earned in months.
Why doesn't the retirement calculation method show on my benefit estimate?
The calculation method was not programmed into Online Member Services. Your benefit estimate (if Tier One or Tier Two) is based on the method (Money Match, Full Formula, or Formula Plus Annuity) that provides the highest benefit. Virtually all Tier Two members will retire under the Full Formula method and all OPSRP Pension Program members retire under a separate formula.
Why can't I enter my unused vacation hours to count toward my final average salary?
Unused vacation time is not used toward final average salary for Tier Two and OPSRP Pension Program members.
Why is my benefit estimate in OMS vastly different from the written benefit estimate I received from PERS?
If you have a divorce on file at PERS or were a member of TIAA CREF (Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association-College Retirement Equities Fund), the system is unable to calculate these benefits accurately. Please keep in mind that this is an "estimate" and the information provided determines the accuracy of the calculation.
Tier One/Tier Two
How to produce a General Service Benefit Estimate
How to produce a General Service Benefit Estimate
Judge Members
How to produce a General Service Benefit Estimate