You should speak to your physicians before applying for the OPSRP disability program and let them know PERS will contact
them to confirm and document your disabling condition. Ask your providers if they require their own information release.
If so, complete their required form and submit it to PERS with your application.
If your disability is duty-related, you will need to provide a copy of your workers’ compensation report to PERS for
review. Note: Some workers’ compensation carriers will only release records to you and will not release records directly
to PERS.
PERS requires specialists for certain disabling conditions:
Mental and emotional disorders require a report from a psychiatrist or a psychologist.
Orthopedic injuries or disease require a report from a treating or consulting neurosurgeon, orthopedic surgeon, or
physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist.
Neurological injuries or disease require a report from a treating or consulting neurologist or neurosurgeon.
Fibromyalgia requires a report of diagnosis from a rheumatologist and ongoing treatment from a rheumatologist or
physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist.
PERS may require reports from other specialized physicians depending on your condition.
If you are not sure your specialist meets PERS criteria, contact Member Services for assistance.
When you complete your application for OPSRP disability, list the physicians who have treated your disabling condition.
PERS will require medical documentation from the time you stopped working to the time you apply for disability benefits.