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Employer manuals and guides

This page provides links to reference guides for Oregon PERS-participating employers. The guides are provided by the Employer Service Center to help you understand PERS and how to report employee data correctly.

To provide feedback on an employer reporting guide or quick-reference guide, go to the Employer Resource Feedback Form.

  • The employer reporting guides explain how PERS works and how to report employee salary, hours, job status, and demographic information.
  • The employer quick reference guides provide lists and definitions of PERS terms and EDX functions.
  • The actuarial guides explain complex actuarial concepts to help you understand and control your rate.
  • The prior versions are the old employer manuals, provided to help employers transition to the new guides.

Employer Reporting Guides

Welcome to PERS reporting

Overview of PERS

Understand PERS’ three retirement plans, obtaining and maintaining membership, retirement benefits, and options.

Employer Requirements and Support

About employer obligations, getting support, and staying informed.

Learning the basics

Reporter Roles and EDX Access

Responsibilities of web administrators and employer reporters in managing an employer's EDX account.

Creating a Report

How to report employee data to PERS with Regular reports and Demographics and Adjustment reports.

Creating a Record

How to report employee wages and demographics with Detail 1 - Member Demographics records and Detail 2 - Wage and Service records

Correcting Suspended Records

Errors that can cause record submissions to fail and how to fix the errors.

Hiring a new employee

Reporting a New Employee

How to report a new or returning employee.

Hiring a PERS Retiree

Guidelines, restrictions, and instructions for employing a PERS retiree.

Reporting wages and contributions

Reporting Wages for a Qualifying Employee

Example of how to report wages and hours for an individual employee.

Reporting Wages for a Non-Qualifying Employee

How to report wages and hours for an individual employee in a non-qualifying position. Includes instructions for changing employee to qualifying status.

Reporting status changes

Reporting a Leave

About different types of leave of absence and how to report them in EDX.

Military Leave

Guidelines for reporting time away from work for military duty and how to fulfill USERRA requirements.

Family and Medical Leave

Options and guidelines for placing your employee on a family or medical leave.

Disability Benefits

How PERS disability benefits work for Tier One/Tier Two members and Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP) members.

Reporting a Termination or Death

How to inform PERS that an employee has left your employment or died.

Reporting a Retirement

Information on retirement eligibility, helping employees prepare for retirement, and reporting a retirement.

Calculating Unused Sick Leave Hours at Termination or Retirement

How to calculate the number of unused sick leave hours to report for a Tier One or Tier Two employee.

Confirming and changing information

Reporting or Changing “Average Overtime”

How to choose the value of average overtime hours on a new-hire record or DCR.

Completing Work List Requests

How to address requests PERS sends through your Work List, including voluntary contributions, last day of paid leave, termination, and data verification.

Creating a Demographic Correction Request (DCR)

Instructions for completing a DCR.

Viewing Employee Information

How to use this EDX function to find an employees’ address, salary, or voluntary-contribution information.

Changing Employee Demographic Information (In development)

How to change an employee’s address, name, incorrect Social Security Number, or job class.

Submitting an Adjustment Record (In development)

How to change wages reported for a prior reporting period.

Running Reports

About the five types of reports EDX can run, such as a list of employees eligible for contributions.

Sending an Encrypted Message to PERS (In development)

How to use this EDX function to communicate with the Employer Service Center (ESC).

Paying for PERS

Understanding Your Statement

Explanations of the charges and credits listed in each section of your monthly statement.

Paying Your Invoice

How to pay your invoice through Automated Clearing House (ACH).

How to (Potentially) Reduce Your Bill (In development)

Programs, tips, and tools that can help your organization reduce its PERS costs.

Employer Reporting Quick Reference Guides

Wage Codes

Definitions of wage codes used on a Detail 2 Wage and Service record.

Status Codes

Definitions of status codes used on a Detail 1 Member Demographics record.

Job Classification Codes

Definitions of PERS job classifications and descriptions of jobs that qualify for each job class.

EDX File Format and Development Guide

Format specifications and requirements for uploading Detail 1 and Detail 2 record data files to EDX.

Detail 1 Member Demographics Fields

Definitions of the fields on a Detail 1 record, when each field is required, and instructions for reporting demographic changes.

Detail 2 Wage and Service Fields

Descriptions of the different salary, payoff, and contribution fields on a Detail 2 Wage and Service record.

Choosing the Best Reporting Method

Checklists of what type of reports and records are best to use when reporting wages and hours, employment status, and demographic information.

Determining Qualification for a Partial Year

How to determine if less than a full year of work is qualifying or non-qualifying.

EDX Site Navigation Menu Items

A list of all the functions on the EDX main Site Navigation menu and what they allow you to do.


Definitions of terms used in PERS reporting.

Actuarial & Financial Guides

PERS provides a series of actuarial and financial guides to help employers understand the complex factors that make up your employer contribution rate.

Access UALRP actuarial and financial guides