Summary of Pension Unfunded Accrued Liability
by Employer. This report shows unfunded PERS pension liabilities for each PERS-participating unit of
government as of the most recent valuation date, December 31, 2019. Unfunded Accrued Liability (UAL) is the
difference between accrued assets (employer contributions and investment earnings) and accrued liabilities
(the cost of pension benefits earned) as of the valuation date.
The report is divided into four sections: the total UAL results for OPSRP, School Districts Pool, State and
Local Government Rate Pool, and the State Judiciary without and with Side accounts; Independent employers,
which are those local governments that have not elected to participate in the State and Local Government
Rate Pool; School Districts, which includes all public K-12 school districts, education service districts,
and public charter schools; and employers participating in the State and Local Government Rate Pool, which
includes all State Agencies and the Oregon University System (OUS), all community colleges, and those local
governments that have elected to be part of the pool. Within each section employers are shown in
alphabetical order by employer name. For the Independent section and the State and Government Rate Pool each
section is further subdivided into cities, counties and special districts. See glossary below.