OYA may charge you for records, due to expenses from locating, photocopying, reviewing, redacting, and delivering documents.
OYA will consider a fee waiver if it is requested and determined to be in the public interest.
If the cost is more than $25:
1. OYA will contact you in writing with the total cost.
2. OYA won't carry out the request until you confirm you are willing to pay.
The OYA fee schedule is as follows:
- Copies - $.07 per page plus $25 per hour of staff time.
- OYA may charge standard state postage or mail service rates.
- OYA may charge for costs of materials such as CDs, DVDs or USB Devices.
The law also allows OYA to recover the costs of staff resources required when complying with a request. Staff time is charged at the following hourly rates:
- Legal Staff - $175 per hour
- Professional Staff - $75 per hour
- Managerial Staff - $40 per hour
- General Clerical Staff - $25 per hour
ORS 192.440 allows OYA to recover its actual costs in fulfilling public records requests.
OYA policies: