Juvenile Justice Partner System
The Juvenile Justice Partner System (JJPS) is a subsystem of the statewide-integrated Juvenile Justice Information System (JJIS), designed to provide a real-time view of the status of youth cases for designated public safety agency users.
Both JJIS and JJPS contain information about youth under the jurisdiction of all county juvenile departments and the Oregon Youth Authority. JJPS acts as a lens, filtering the information in JJIS to display the following information:
- county of jurisdiction
- parent contact information
- parole/probation worker contacts
- referrals, findings, and dispositions
Only delinquency case data that may be released to the public are displayed -- dependency information and cases restricted by local juvenile departments or OYA policy are not displayed.
Interested public safety agencies must be sponsored by a Juvenile Justice Information System (JJIS) partner agency (either a county juvenile department or the Oregon Youth Authority). If your agency does not yet have a sponsor, please contact your local county juvenile department director or email the JJIS Service Desk (
JJISServiceDesk@oya.oregon.gov) at the Oregon Youth Authority for a JJPS Access Request Form.
Once an agency's request for access has been approved, individual users are required to complete user security agreements to receive a user name and password. JJIS Security Coordinators from sponsoring juvenile justice agencies coordinate individual user security agreements; user access authorization; formal procedures for review; and termination of access on the date that access privileges expire or if a user violates their user security agreement.
Juvenile Provider Access System
The Juvenile Provider Access System (JPAS) is a subsystem of the statewide-integrated Juvenile Justice Information System (JJIS), and is designed to facilitate information sharing between OYA or county juvenile parole/probation staff and contracted providers throughout the youth referral, screening, and placement process.
JPAS is a "lens" of JJIS and can only be accessed by authorized provider agency users.
JPAS shows providers information they need about the youth referred to them. It gives providers a real-time view of information in a youth's JJIS notebook to help automate the referral, wait list, and acceptance process; and easily share information about a youth's progress with their JPPO.
JPAS users' access is monitored and may be terminated for violations of the use of JJIS as outlined in the JJIS User Security Agreement.