Escalation to OYA
Do all youth have Escalation to OYA scores?
No. Escalation to OYA scores are only available for youth who have reached the level of county probation. Once a youth has escalated to OYA (either in community placement or a YCF), the scores are no longer available.
How are Escalation to OYA scores determined?
Escalation to OYA scores are calculated based on specific questions from the JCP, the youth's ORRA-V score, the youth's Disposition Crime Severity Scale score, age at disposition and whether the youth as a sex offense disposition.
What does it mean if the Escalation to OYA scores are not displaying in JJIS?
Escalation to OYA scores will only be displayed for youth who are on county probation with a current JCP. The JCP must be completed and locked in JJIS within the last 12 months to be considered current. Once a youth has escalated to OYA, these scores will be greyed out, as they are no longer relevant.
When are the Escalation to OYA scores best utilized in the decision-making process?
Escalation to OYA scores should be used to inform decision making about supervision level and resource provision for youth on county probation.
With the new risk tools, do I still complete a JCP?
Current policy requirements have not changed. These new tools do not replace the county JCP Risk Assessment. The JCP is necessary to assess risk and needs for youth entering the system.
Pre-dispo ORRA
How does the Pre-Dispo ORRA differ from the ORRA?
The Pre-Dispo ORRA is displayed at the time of the first petition filing. The Pre-Dispo ORRA score may be slightly lower than the ORRA score because a disposition has not yet been recorded. Finally, once a disposition has been recorded and an ORRA score is generated, the Pre-Dispo ORRA will no longer display in JJIS.
Do all youth have an ORRA and ORRA-V score?
No. The ORRA and ORRA-V are valid only for youth who have reached the level of county probation, OYA probation, or OYA/DOC Commitment.
Can I obtain an ORRA/ORRA-V score before adjudication to help inform the dispositional decision?
ORRA/ORRA-V scores are only available for youth once they receive a court ordered disposition of county probation, OYA probation, or OYA Close Custody and that disposition is recorded in JJIS. However, the Pre-Dispo ORRA score will generate in JJIS at first petition filing and may be helpful in informing dispositional decision making.
Do the ORRA and ORRA-V scores ever change for a youth?
Yes. ORRA and ORRA-V will increase in very small increments as youth get older. Additionally, if a youth continues to engage in criminal activity, that is likely to increase their scores.
When are the ORRA/ORRA-V scores best utilized in the decision-making process?
Although this will be driven by local policy, it is recommended that the ORRA and ORRA-V scores be used during the intake process to enhance decision-making around placement and treatment in an effective environment that mitigates the risk of recidivating.
What is the difference between ORRA/ORRA-V “Disposition Level Percentile Rank” and “All Dispositions Percentile Rank”?
“Disposition Level Percentile Rank” indicates the percentage of youth with the same disposition level who will have an equal or lesser ORRA or ORRA-V score on a reported date.
“All Dispositions Percentile Rank” indicates the percentage of youth in the juvenile justice system who will have an equal or lesser ORRA or ORRA-V score on a reported date.
How can I use these tools in my work with youth?
These tools are guides to enhance decision-making. The risk tools help you understand how “risky” one youth is compared to other youth and can help you align placement and treatment decisions effectively. For example, if you have a youth with an ORRA of 60 and another youth with an ORRA of 30, you might prioritize resources for the higher risk youth.
Since the new tools are only valid for some youth, what will be displayed in JJIS?
Youth who do not have valid scores with any of the tools will not have a score displayed in the relevant section on the JJIS Risk Overview Screen.
Are there policy guidelines or directives for how these tools will be used?
No. The intent is to provide the data, generate understanding about what the data means, clarify which populations the tools can be used with, and add research-based information to help inform local decision making. Any policy guidelines may be developed at the local level with local leadership.
The Oregon Typology Assessment (OTA), Typology, and ONIRA/OVIRA scores are no longer included on the JJIS Risk Overview screen. They have been discontinued and are no longer supported by the Oregon Youth Authority (OYA).