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Criminal Justice Information Services

We provide assistance to agencies involved in system misuse investigations, and conduct quality assurance audits, required by FBI CJIS Division of every agency connected to LEDS on a triennial basis.
The LEDS Audit is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.​
For more information on the LEDS Audit program, or for questions concerning system misuse investigations, visit our secure site and select LEDS/NCIC Audit Procedures or the System Misuse Investigations chapters.

If you cannot access the secure website, contact your LEDS Representative.

​This is a computer system that is used for electronically searching, retrieving and maintaining fingerprint files. The Oregon State Police is a member of the Western Identification Network (WIN) which consists of eight western states sharing one electronic fingerprint database for use in processing criminal and applicant fingerprint cards.

The participating states of WIN are: Oregon, Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. Interface Member: California. Federal Member: Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The Oregon State Police Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) Training Unit provides instruction and guidance regarding criminal justice information services processes as directed by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI).

The OSP CJIS Training Unit facilitates web-based and in-person training for criminal and non-criminal justice agencies in the state of Oregon. Some of these training topics include criminal history checks and court dispositions, state and federal audits, fingerprint submissions, uniform crime reporting, and much more.

Web-based and in-personal training is conducted annually, quarterly, monthly, and weekly.  Be sure to check this website frequently for a list of upcoming training opportunities.


To view a list of upcoming trainings, visit our CJIS Training Page

If you have questions, please contact the CJIS Training Unit at

Need after hours assistance? Contact the LEDS Helpdesk
Phone: 503-378-5565, Fax: 503-588-1378 or 

​We are responsible for maintaining criminal history information through Law Enforcement Data System (LEDS). The computerized criminal history is established based on fingerprints and includes arrest information, court information, and custody information received from the Department of Corrections. Law enforcement agencies are required by statute to submit a fingerprint card to CJIS for all felony crimes as well as all sex and drug misdemeanor crimes.

Need a copy of your criminal history record or a copy of someone else?

Oregon State Police – CJIS Division
Unit 11
P O Box 4395
Portland, OR 97208-4395
Phone: 503-378-3070

​Applications for Concealed Handgun Licenses are through the Sheriff’s office in your county of residence. This license requires an applicant fingerprint card, the results of those cards are maintained in the computerized criminal history records of Oregon’s Criminal Information System to assist the counties in their background investigation process.

​We conduct firearms background checks on persons attempting to purchase a firearm (ORS 166.412) through all Federally Licensed Firearms dealers in Oregon.
See more Firearms Unit details.

​Oregon criminal history files date back to the 1920s and are retained indefinitely. These files can only be removed through expungement by court order, when a subject is reported as deceased and confirmed by fingerprints, or when a subject has reached the age of 99 and has not had any arrests posted to their record within the past 10 years.

Each day CJIS receives approximately 400 criminal arrest fingerprint cards and approximately 300 applicant fingerprint cards for processing.

Criminal arrest cards are maintained on file after positive fingerprint identification is made either to an existing file or a new file is established. Each arrest will eventually be completed with the receipt and entry of disposition documents from the appropriate Oregon court.

Applicant cards are generally not retained at CJIS unless a statute exists requiring an applicant card be maintained on file. Most applicant cards received are searched against the CCH files and returned to the submitting agency or requestor for further action, which may include: employment, certification, licensing, or permits.

Criminal history record information is confidential and not open for public disclosure unless otherwise authorized by law or rule (see Open Records). 

These programs are part of this section: Automated Biometric ID Systems (ABIS), Computerized Criminal History (CCH), Firearms Instant Check System (FICS), Open Records, Criminal History Records, Livescan information, Regulatory Applicant Background Check, and information on set-asides or expungements.

We manage CJIS security requirements as defined in the CJIS Security Policy Manual. This includes the administration, operational, physical and technically security requirements that are required and subject to audit.

LEDS, the Law Enforcement Data System, is a database created for law enforcement records such as warrants, protection orders, stolen property, criminal histories, and other vital investigative files.​ See more LEDS details.​

​These are electronic fingerprint machines. Learn more on the requirements and transmission specifications

The National Crime Information Center (NCIC) is an electronic clearinghouse of crime data that can be accessed by virtually every criminal justice agency nationwide, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Learn more about this federal system here: National Crime Information Center (NCIC)

​The NGI Noncriminal Justice Rap Back Service is managed by the FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services Division. When an individual’s fingerprints are submitted through an approved NGI connection and retained in the NGI system, they can be enrolled in the Rap Back service if authorized by law (Oregon Legislature passed HB 4122 (2024). Once enrolled, the individual’s fingerprints will be subject to future searches in the NGI System – essentially “live” searches if a future crime is alleged anywhere in the U.S. Rap Back triggers an electronic notification if, at any point, your applicant, employee, volunteer, or licensee is arrested, and fingerprints are taken and submitted to the NGI System. You will also be notified if any previously unreported criminal activity is updated to the individual’s criminal history. 

​​CJIS - Rap Back_Revised.pdf

If you are interested in learning more about Rap Back contact us at or visit our website at LEDS 20/20 Project

​State law provides specific public access to criminal history record information. State of Oregon criminal history records are only available through the Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division in Salem.
See more Open Records or Copy of Own Record related to criminal history records.


The Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program presents information in offense and arrest groupings of Crimes Against Persons, Crimes Against Property, and Crimes Against Society.  These crimes are reported by law by all agencies.

  • Crimes Against Persons: Criminal offenses where the victim is present and the act is violent, threatening, or has the potential of being physically harmful. 
  • Crimes Against Property: Criminal offenses that involve taking something of value by theft, deception, or the destruction of property.
  • Crimes Against Society: Crimes that represent society's prohibitions on engaging in certain types of activity, such as criminal offenses that violate laws relating to personal conduct, responsibility, and public order. Although not necessarily violent offenses or property offenses in themselves, they may often contribute to other criminal acts.

Uniform Crime Reporting

​Noncriminal justice outsourcing incorporates the process of a third party contractor to perform noncriminal justice administrative functions (i.e. making fitness determinations/recommendations, obtaining missing dispositions, archival and off‐site storage of fingerprint submissions and corresponding criminal history record results, or the submission of fingerprints and the receipt of corresponding criminal history records) related to the processing of criminal history record information (CHRI) maintained in the Interstate Identification Index (III) System, subject to appropriate controls, when acting on behalf of the governmental or authorized agency. The III is the system of federal and state criminal history records maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Outsourcing Standard Overview and Responsibilities
Audit Reference Documents

​We provide an Oregon and FBI nationwide fingerprint based background check service for agencies having authority through Oregon statute, Federal Law or by Governor´s Executive Order to perform such checks for regulatory purposes to include: licensing, certification, permits, employment, and volunteers. ORS 181A.195.

We also provide fingerprint based background checks for Oregon Sheriffs on Concealed Handgun License applicants.​

The fee is $33.00 for non-retained and retained fingerprint cards at Oregon State Police. These fees fund the program. Fees are billed for each fingerprint card submitted for an Oregon background check with an additional FBI processing fee for the nationwide background check: $12.00 for those qualified as a volunteer and $10.00 for all other categories.​

Privacy of Information
Agency privacy requirements for noncriminal justice applicants​
Applicant's privacy rights for noncriminal justice applicants

Effective January 1, 2022 (SB397)

The process to apply for the set aside of a criminal arrest or conviction by a court will change effective January 1, 2022, as a result of Senate Bill 397.    The following outlines the steps necessary for submission of fingerprints to Oregon State Police under ORS 137.225 (2)(c) and ORS 137.223(3)(c) as amended by the Oregon Legislature.

​a.  Obtain a properly rolled, complete set of your fingerprints using the FBI standard blue applicant fingerprint card (FD-258). An     example of this fingerprint card can be viewed at:
    Please contact a local criminal justice agency or public fingerprinting service for information regarding availability and any fee that may apply for these services. 
b.  The following are required fields and must be completed on the fingerprint card form in order to avoid rejection of your request.
  • Printed Name of person filing a motion
  • Signature (manual fingerprinting only) of person filing a motion 
  • Fingerprinting Official signature and date
  • Date of Birth of person filing a motion
  • Reason Fingerprinted: (must include one of these applicable references)

a.  Complete all information on the OSP REQUEST FOR SET ASIDE FORM​.​​
Please note that Oregon law requires the results of the background check be returned to the prosecuting attorney(s) for each county or municipality included within the set aside motion application. 
b.  The fee for an Oregon fingerprint-based Criminal record check for motions to set aside convictions is $33.00. 

          a.  The request must include all of the following items:
  • A completed fingerprint card as noted above.
  • Completed OSP Set Aside Request form
  • Check or money order in the amount of $33.00, payable to Oregon State Police for motions to set aside convictions.
  • Mail  the completed packet to: 

    Oregon State Police, CJIS – Unit 11  
    P.O. Box 4395 
    Portland, OR 97208-4395

​Criminal Justice Information Services
LEDS Helpdesk
Phone: 503-378-5565 
Fax: 503-588-1378

Available 24 hours a day