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Oregon Missing Persons Photo Page

Send us a completed Missing Person Publication Request Form and we will create a missing person poster and post it to this page.

The missing person(s) listed below resided in the state of Oregon at the time of their disappearance.

We will be adding cases as we receive them, please check back for updates.

Questions or tips can be directed to or you can call our toll free number at 800-282-7155.

Missing Since:  July 18, 2019

Age:  41

Sex:  Male

Race: White

Hair Color:  Brown

Eye Color:  Brown

Height:  5'6"

Weight:  140 lbs.

Thomas Joshua Hayes is from Astoria and was last seen in the Long Beach, Washington area.  Mr. Hayes was experiencing difficulty breathing and suspected he may have some undiagnosed respiratory illness.  

He is an Hispanic male with a mustache and goatee.  He was wearing black athletic style shorts, a red t-shirt and carrying a backpack.

He is commonly known as "Josh" and "Worm."

​If you see Thomas, have information about him or have questions, please contact:  Detective Thomas Litwin at 503-325-4411 or by email at

​Missing Since:  6/1/2023

Age:  56 at time of last contact

Sex:  Male

Race:  White

Hair color:  Brown

Eye Color:  Brown

Height:  6'

Weight:  250 pounds

If you see Tony, please call Gresham Police Department at 

(503) 618-2318. 

Tony Watkins.jpeg



Missing Children/Adults Clearinghouse
Phone: 503-934-0188
Toll Free: 1-800-282-7155​