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Wildfire in Oregon

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Be #WildfireAware.

Help prevent wildfires this summer by paying attention to the conditions and practicing fire safety.

Working together to address wildfires in Oregon

Welcome to the Oregon State Fire Marshal's everything wildfire webpage! We understand the importance of collaboration in addressing the wildfire challenges facing our state. That's why we're proud to work closely with various state, local, tribal, and federal partners to enhance the safety and resilience of Oregonians and our communities.

Hover over the icons below to see how each partner can help you. Together, we're dedicated to providing you with the necessary tools and knowledge to better protect yourselves and your loved ones against wildfires. 

Let's work together to create a safer, more fire-adapted Oregon for all.

Teamwork makes the dream work.

ODF Logo Healthy Forests

Healthy Forests

Learn how the Oregon Department of Forestry is working to boost wildfire response and keep Oregon forests healthy.

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OSU Logo Home Hardening

Fire-Resistant Plants

Defensible space isn't a moonscape. Learn from the experts at OSU about what kind of plants you can have that are more resistant to fire.

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BCD Logo Home Hardening

Home Hardening

Learn how to better protect your home's exterior from wildfire. The Oregon Building Codes Division can help.

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BCD Logo Home Hardening

Wildfire Hazard Map

The Oregon Wildfire Hazard Map is going through some revisions. Be sure to stay up on all the latest.

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BCD Logo Home Hardening

Oregon Youth Corps

Learn how the Oregon Youth Corps is helping create defensible space in communites across Oregon.

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 DFR Logo Wildfire and Insurance

Wildfire & Insurance

Do you have questions about insurance and wildfire? The Oregon Division of Financial Regulation can help.

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BCD Logo Home Hardening

Land Use & Planning

Explore DLCD's recommendations for updating statewide land use planning to lower wildfire risk and the agency's Wildfire Adapted Communities initiative.

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BCD Logo Home Hardening

Oregon Smoke Blog

Check the latest smoke conditions and be alerted when it may be best to stay inside. Oregon DEQ is a great resource when it comes to wildfire smoke.

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BCD Logo Home Hardening

Public Utilities

Do you have questions about power safety shutoffs or public utilities? Check out the Public Utilities Commission's website.

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BCD Logo Home Hardening

Firewise USA

Firewise USA helps communities become more resilient to wildfire. It's an excellent program that adds protection at the neighborhood level.

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What we're doing to address wildfires

The Oregon State Fire Marshal is actively addressing the wildfire crisis through various initiatives. Fire Adapted Oregon educates and empowers communities to lessen wildfire risks through preparedness and resilience efforts. Response Ready Oregon ensures effective coordination and readiness with the Oregon fire service to respond to wildfires across the state. 

The OSFM and our partner fire agencies conduct free defensible space assessments to help property owners create fire-resistant zones around their homes. 

These initiatives work in concert with the OSFM's grant programs that focus on providing resources to make communities more resilient to wildfire and boost response capacity both in terms of personnel and equipment. Collectively, all of this contributes to Oregon's efforts to combat the wildfire crisis and safeguard our communities.


Two people doing an interview

A gif of Bigfoot with the words believe in fire safety

Be #WildfireAware

Click the button below to learn about the different ways you can prevent wildfires. 

How you can help 

To live with wildfire, we all need to play our part, from government agencies and non-profits to you and your family. It will take a statewide effort to create communities that are more resilient.

At the Oregon State Fire Marshal, we're committed to empowering every Oregonian with the knowledge and resources they need to be prepared for wildfire. Our educational webinars and extensive range of resources are designed to equip individuals, families, and communities with the tools to lessen risks and respond effectively.

But our collective efforts don't stop there. We encourage every Oregonian to actively engage in wildfire preparedness and prevention. Whether it's creating defensible space around homes, participating in community clean-up initiatives, or staying informed about evacuation plans, each action contributes to our shared safety.

Together, we can build a culture of preparedness and resilience. Join us at the OSFM to learn, connect, and play a vital role in protecting Oregon against wildfires. Together, we're stronger.

Let's talk about the Oregon Defensible Space Code

Click the box below to explore a draft of the Oregon Defensible Space Code which was developed through a robust process that included public meetings, town halls, and input from people and organizations from across Oregon. The second box is where you can find the OSFM's reports to the legislature on the progress made in rolling out new wildfire initiatives from Senate Bill 762, which was signed into law in 2021.

Under Senate Bill 762, the OSFM is mandated to adopt statewide minimum defensible space standards. The OSFM is using its current code development and adoption process.

The International Wildland-Urban Interface Code model language, sections 603 and 604 per the Senate Bill 762 mandate were used as the framework. Upon adopting the new Oregon defensible space code, the OSFM will evaluate every three years and follow the same policies and practices in place for the Oregon Fire Code.

The code language is in a final draft for review. There is no code for defensible space adopted in Oregon, as of January 2024. Any code adoption will follow a full public process.

​For questions about the code language, email​