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Fire Adapted Oregon

About the Program

The Oregon State Fire Marshal’s Fire Adapted Oregon program works to strengthen community wildfire resilience across Oregon. The Community Wildfire Risk Reduction team leads the initiative by offering local support, assistance for funding opportunities, education, and training. Achieving a fire-adapted Oregon requires working collaboratively with a wide range of partners to develop strategies. The program uses statewide data and promotes defensible space and community resilence best practices.

What is a Wildfire-Adapted Community?

A wildffire-adapted community is one where those who live there are informed, prepared, and actively involved in planning and actions to safely live alongside wildfire. These communities understand wildfire risks and take proactive steps to protect homes and critical infrastrucuture and the surrounding natural areas. Being wildfire-adapted is not a one-time achievement but an ongoing process of mitigation and adaptation. Communities that embrace this approach can protect lives, homes, and neighborhoods, reduce firefighting costs, and allow fire’s natural ecological benefits to occur.


Community Wildfire Risk Reduction

The Oregon State Fire Marshal’s Community Wildfire Risk Reduction Unit helps communities across Oregon reduce the risk of wildfire by offering training, planning, technical assistance, access to data, and strategic funding resources. The team focuses on wildfire prevention, education, and mitigation efforts, empowering communities to be better prepared for wildfires. They also work to build local fire prevention and education capacity and provide Oregonians with the knowledge to protect themselves and their property from wildfire threats.

Regional Fire Risk Reduction Specialists

The Oregon State Fire Marshal has several regional specialists who work with local partners to help communities prepare for wildfires. They support fire departments, government agencies, and local organizations in creating customized wildfire risk reduction plans. To find your regional specialist, check the contact details on the right side of the page.

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How Specialists Can Help

Here are some ways regional fire risk reduction specialists can help communities reduce wildfire risk:

  • Supporting projects that reduce wildfire risk
  • Building local wildfire partnerships
  • Conducting wildfire risk assessments
  • Educating and planning for defensible space
  • Assisting with community wildfire protection plans
  • Leading local fire prevention campaigns
  • Helping secure grants for wildfire risk reduction
  • Conducting community-based wildfire risk assessments

These specialists are essential in helping communities prepare for and adapt to the increasing threat of wildfires.

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Community Wildfire Risk Reduction Program

Jen Warren - Region A

Clatsop, Columbia, Tillamook, Washington, Multnomah, and Clackamas counties

Phone: 503-979-6625


Stephanie Stafford - Region B

Yamhill, Polk, Marion, Lincoln, Linn, and Benton counties

Phone: 503-990-5445


Kelsey Hunter - Region C

Lane, Douglas, Coos, and Curry counties

Phone: 503-779-4221


Simone Cordery-Cotter - Region D

Hood River, Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Morrow, and Umatilla counties

Phone: 503-979-6626


Heather Miller - Region E

Jefferson, Wheeler, Crook, and Deschutes counties

Phone: 503-509-3534


Teresa Vonn - Region F

Lake, Klamath, Jackson, and Josephine counties

Phone: 971-720-0142


Chris Paul - Region G

Harney, Malheur, Grant, Baker, Union, and Wallowa counties

Phone: 503-983-4251


Contact and Wildfire Prevention

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Wildfire Prevention

The Oregon State Fire Marshal has a wealth of resources to help Oregonians prevent wildfires.

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