An emergency fuel shutdown device must be mounted within 100 feet, but no nearer than 20 feet, of any non-retail dispenser, and the location of the emergency fuel shutoff (EFSO) device must be clearly and readily accessible.
A fire extinguisher with a minimum classification of 2A, 20B:C must be mounted within 75 feet of any dispenser. Fire extinguishers must be in the operable range and have a service tag indicating service has occurred within the last 12 months.
A clearly identified fire alarm transmitting device or telephone not requiring a coin to operate or other approved means to notify the fire department shall be provided at the site in an approved location.
The site must have adequate lighting at all times.
Where retail and non-retail dispensing of gasoline may occur simultaneously, non-retail pumps must be located at least 50 feet from retail pumps (not less than 20 feet, if specific requirements are met and prior approval given by OSFM).
Dispenser hoses shall be a minimum of 18 feet (unless otherwise approved), must be racked, reeled, or otherwise protected and be maintained in proper working condition (hoses and whips are not cracked, worn, braiding, leaking, etc.).
Non-retail pumps must be located so natural grade or curbs prevent drainage toward any building or retail dispensing areas.
Non-retail pumps must be installed with the Oregon Fire Code (OFC), and each pump must be provided with a listed automatic closing type hose nozzle with a latch-open device designed so the nozzle is retained in the fill pipe during fueling operations.
Each product delivery hose must be equipped with a listed emergency breakaway device designed to retain liquid on both sides of the breakaway point.
Non-retail pumps must be installed in accordance with the OFC regarding:
- Property lines
- Construction
- Bulk Plant Barriers
- Fixed Sources of Ignition