Community Right to Know - Hazardous Substance Possession Fees (HSPF)
Oregon law (ORS 453.402) requires facilities to pay a fee based on the substance they report in the highest aggregate (maximum) amount. The fee is calculated using a fee schedule set in OAR 837-090 graduated to account for the degree of hazard the billable substance presents.
The Oregon Department of Revenue will issue hazardous substance possession fee coupons in November, to applicable. All payments are due January 1 and payable to the Oregon Department of Revenue. Please do not send payment with your report submission to OSFM.
The hazard rankings set in the fee schedule are as follows:
- Rank 1 - Minimally Hazardous
- Rank 2 - Generally Hazardous
- Rank 3 - Very Hazardous
- Rank 4 - Registered Chemical
For more resources explaining how hazard rank is determined, and the fee schedule, visit the links below.
How is the hazard rank determined for a hazardous substance?
Fee Schedule
Oregon Administrative Rules for Hazardous Substance Possession Fees
Chemical Fee Exemptions
Certain hazardous substances or circumstances allow for an exemption of the Hazardous Substance Possession Fee (HSPF). In addition to a fee payable to the State Fire Marshal, the HSPF also includes fees for the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality's (DEQ) Toxic Use Reduction (TUR) program and the Orphan Site Fund. (OS).