Oregon Coast Trail
The majesty of Oregon's 362-mile coastline unfolds around every bend along the Oregon Coast Trail, also known as the OCT. Hikers cross sandy beaches, meander through forest-shaded corridors, traverse majestic headlands and pass through 28 coastal towns.
Most of the route is on the beach, although some segments wind through state parks or public lands. Generous landowners provide trail easements for portions of trail on private property. About 10 percent of the trail is on the shoulders of U.S. 101, county roads and city streets.
Oregon Coast Trail Action Plan
A significant portion of the OCT follows the shoulders of roads and highways, such as U.S. 101. These gaps in the OCT can feel uncomfortable or unsafe and detract from the hiking experience. Some sections of the trail lack adequate supportive services and facilities, such as camping opportunities and potable water. The Oregon Coast Trail Action Plan describes how to remedy these gaps in the trail. This plan also addresses ways to improve trail amenities and services along the trail, including mapping and wayfinding, camping, restrooms, water crossing services, and a centralized trail information system.
These maps, updated in summer 2020, are for informational purposes and may not reflect current ground conditions. The trail route may change due to safety issues, road closures or detours. Some sections — about 40 miles, or 10 percent of the entire route — are disconnected, inconvenient, unsafe or inaccessible during certain seasons. These are identified as "gap section" in our maps. Scroll down for a list of major closures.
Section 1: Columbia River to Oswald West
Section 2: Oswald West to Cape Lookout
Section 3: Cape Lookout to Lincoln City
Section 4: Lincoln City to Waldport
Section 5: Waldport to Florence
Section 6: Florence to Reedsport
Section 7: Reedsport to Bandon
Section 8: Bandon to Port Orford
Section 9: Port Orford to Cape Sebastian
Section 10: Cape Sebastian to California
Be Prepared
Hiker/Biker campsites are at nearly every state park on the coast. The tent sites are first-come, first served and are near water, restrooms and showers. Visit Find a Park for locations and cost. Camping may also be available at parks managed by other agencies.
Beach camping is allowed in some areas, but please be aware of the tides and camp above the high tide line. Camping is prohibited within most major city limits and within or adjacent to state parks. Camping is also prohibited in western snowy plover habitat areas during nesting season, March 15 - Sep. 15.
Beach fires are not allowed near driftwood piles or vegetation. Additional fire restrictions may be in place — watch for signs and check Special Notices during fire season for alerts.
Know the tides
Some areas of the trail are accessible only during certain seasons and/or only during low tide. Check the tide times at tideschart.com. Visit our Safe Ways to Explore the Beach for more information.
Watch for nesting birds
Some Oregon beaches are protected nesting grounds for a small shorebird called the western snowy plover. During nesting season (March 15- Sept. 15), hikers on protected beaches must walk on wet sand. Also prohibited: dogs (even on a leash), camping and beach fires. Watch for signs. Visit oregon.gov/plovers for maps and more information.
Trail closures
- Section 1 & 2 - There is significant tree fall between Tillamook Head and South Neahkahnie. Anyone choosing to hike this area should expect a much higher challenge level than is typical for these trail segments and exercise extreme caution until clearing is complete.
- Section 2 & 3 - North Trail at Cape Lookout is currently closed due to damage to the suspension bridge. Southbound OCT hikers can alternatively take Cape Lookout Rd, up to the CLO trailhead and then reconnect via the South Trail.
- Section 4 - Seal Rock beach access. An alternative route is needed to avoid a gate at the top of the trail from the beach just north of Seal Rock. Leave the beach 0.7 miles north of there at Beach Access 63 (Curtis Street) and walk 0.8 miles on highway to Seal Rock State Recreation Site.
Other closures and gaps
All closures and alerts on sections of trail that pass through state parks are posted in Special Notices. You will need to know the name of the park the trail passes through (labeled on our maps, above). Some sections pass through public lands operated by the U.S. Forest Service — check fs.usda.gov for information and closures on these sections.