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Federal Human Resources Office

(971) 355-3325
142 FW
(503) 335-4029
173 FW
Klamath Falls
(541) 885-6580

HRO Mission Statement: The Human Resources Office (HRO) functions as The Adjutant General's focal point for managing the Oregon Army and Air National Guard full-time federal personnel programs. The HRO is comprised of highly knowledgeable, empathetic, experienced professionals. HRO employees excel at anticipating needs and emerging programs while providing exceptional customer service and enhancing the quality of work for all our employees. HRO strives to create a work environment which fosters individual achievement, teamwork, integrity, professionalism, and accountability.

HRO Vision Statement: The Oregon National Guard (ORNG) Human Resources Office will provide the highest quality Human Resource program management and customer service to the leadership and employees of the ORNG. Our focus on customer service, continuous improvement, teamwork, and achieving results are woven into every aspect of our service to the ORNG.
Mailing Address
1776 Militia Way SE
PO Box 14370
Salem, OR 97309

Hours of Operation
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

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