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This is a comprehensive list of HR Policies. If you do not see a policy listed, please contact: Micky Dryden at 503-584-3583 or

Filling Positions

Workforce Management

DAS 10.011.01     Personnel Records
DAS 20.005.05     Merit Pay System
DAS 20.005.10     Pay Practices
                             Pay Practice Policy_Pay Equity Appeal Procedures
DAS 20.005.11     Pay Differentials
DAS 20.005.20     Fair Labor Standards_12.2022
DAS 40.065.01     Trial Service_2022
DAS 50.000.01     Drug-Free Workplace
                            Drug-Free Workplace FAQs
DAS 50.010.02     Violence-Free Workplace
DAS 50.010.03     Maintaining a Professional Workplace     
                            OMD_Complaint Form_07.2024  OMD_Complaint Form_07.2024
DAS 50.010.05     Weapons in the Workplace
DAS 50.010.06     Employee Health & Wellness
DAS 50.015.01     Job Rotation
DAS 50.035.01     Performance Management Process
DAS 50.050.01     Working Remotely    
                            OMD_Complaint Form_07.2024 OMD_Complaint Form_07.2024.doc
DAS 60.000.04     Paid Leave Oregon
DAS 60.000.05     Vacation Leave
DAS 60.000.10    Special Leaves with Pay
DAS 60.000.15    Family and Medical Leave
                           Health Care Provider Cert_PD615A.DOCXHealth Care Provider Certification PD615A Form
DAS 60.000.25    Military Leave
DAS 60.010.01    Holiday Leave with Pay
                            Holiday Calendar
DAS 60.015.01    Temporary Interruption of Employment  
                           OMD Policy Adoption Statement 
DAS 60.025.01    Donated Leave  
                           Hardship Donated Leave Form.pdfOMD Hardship Donated Leave Request    
DAS 107-004-110 Acceptable Use of State Information Assets (Attachment B Acceptable Use Agreement Signature Page is last page of policy)

AGP 99.100.19    Vehicle Access and Use   
AGP 99.100.20    Code of Ethics 
                           Code of Ethics Acknowledgement Form
AGP 99.100.21   Conflilct of Interest   Conflict of Interest Form                                       

Information Technology and Security

Classification & Compensation
DAS 30.000.01     Position Management

Occupational Health & Safety

                              Release of Liability Form
                             Attachment A Declination Form          Attachment B Routes and Circumstances          Attachment C Letter to Doctor
                             Attachment G Safety Rules                Attachment H Hep B Consent Form                   Attachment I Individual Facility Plan
AGP 99.200.04     Confined Space
AGP 99.200.05     Hazard Communication Policy
AGP 99.200.07     Hearing Conservation
AGP 99.200.09     Health and Wellness 
AGP 99.200.10     Ladder Policy_12.13.2022
AGP 99.200.11     Aerial Lift Policy_12.13.2022
AGP 99.200.12     Fall Protection_12.13.2022
AGP 99.200.14     Hot Work Policy
AGP 99.200.15     Respiratory Protection Policy
AGP 99.200.16     Excavation & Trenching Policy
AGP 99.200.17     Lock Out Tag Out - Energy Control Program
AGP 99.200.18     Emergency Action Plan
AGP 99.200.19     Powered Industrial Trucks
AGP 99.200.20     Fire Protection Policy 

Training & Development

AGP 99.400.01    (Currently being revised) Statewide Employee Training

Military Lease Agents

Command Policy Memorandums (CPM)

These policies are issued by The Adjutant General (TAG) and are applicable to State of Oregon Military Department Employees. 

Internal intranet link accessable by Oregon Military Department Employees ONLY is currently under construction. 

State Law, Rules & Policies