Once your license has been approved, you will receive an email notification with instruction on how to print your new Certificate of Registration. It is suggested that you review all current personal information in your file, including addresses, to ensure that the information is correct. You may review your licensure information and print your new Certificate of Registration by logging into Applicant/Licensee Services.
The Board offers several limited licenses for professionals who may not need a full license or who may not qualify for a full license. For details on the scope of practice for each of the below limited licenses, please refer to the
License Definitions page.
MD/DO/DPM Limited License, PostgraduateThe MD/DO/DPM Postgraduate License limits the physician's practice
to an accredited training program. The
MD/DO/DPM Postgraduate License limits the physician's practice to an accredited
training program. This license can be granted for a maximum of five (5) years
and may be issued for all subsequent years of an accredited training program (see OAR
MD/DO/DPM Limited License, FellowThe MD/DO/DPM Fellow License limits the physician's practice to a supervised fellowship program. This license is granted for a maximum period of one year and may be issued again for one additional, consecutive year (see
OAR 847-010-0056).
MD/DO/DPM Limited License, Medical FacultyThe MD/DO/DPM Medical Faculty License limits the physician's practice to the necessary duties of a full-time faculty position in an accredited medical school in Oregon. This license is granted for a maximum period of one year and may be issued again for up to four consecutive years (see
OAR 847-010-0063 and
MD/DO Distinguished ProfessorThe MD/DO
Distinguished Professor License is for physicians who are offered a full-time professor of medicine position at an approved Oregon medical school but who do not qualify for a full medical license. This license allows for practice only in conjunction with and pursuant to the appointment of professor of medicine and must be renewed annually (see
OAR 847-020-0135).
MD/DO/DPM Limited License, Visiting Professor
The MD/DO/DPM Visiting Professor License limits the physician's practice to the necessary duties of a teaching position in an accredited medical school or affiliated teaching institution in Oregon. This license is granted for a maximum period of one year and may be issued again for one additional, consecutive year (see
OAR 847-010-0052).
MD/DO Limited License, SPEX/COMVEX
The MD/DO SPEX/COMVEX License allows the physician to practice in the interim period between completing a full license application and taking and passing the SPEX or COMVEX exam if the applicant meets all other licensure requirements. This license is granted for a maximum period of six months or until grade results are available, whichever is shorter (see
OAR 847-010-0064).
MD/DO/DPM Limited License, Visiting Physician (Courtesy Privileges)The MD/DO/DPM Visiting Physician (Courtesy Privileges) is a license for temporary practice for a specific purpose. The physician's practice in Oregon is limited in scope, purpose, and duration according to Board approval, and the out-of-state physician must practice under the supervision of an Oregon-licensed. This type of limited license is also provided for the 90 consecutive days immediately following the end of an emergency declared by the Governor of Oregon for out of state physicians who held a temporary authorization during the declared emergency. (see
OAR 847-010-0066).
Physician Associate Limited License, Pending ExaminationThe Physician Associate Pending Examination License allows a PA who has graduated from an accredited PA training program to practice in the interim period between completing a full license application and taking and passing the NCCPA (PANCE) examination. This license is granted for a maximum period of six months or until grade results are available, whichever is shorter (see
OAR 847-050-0023).
Physician Associate Limited License, Visiting Physician Associate (Courtesy Privileges) The Visiting Physician Associate (Courtesy Privileges) is a license for temporary practice for a specific purpose. The PA's practice in Oregon is limited in scope, purpose, and duration according to Board approval, and the out-of-state PA must practice under the supervision of an Oregon-licensed physician. This type of limited license is also provided for the 90 consecutive days immediately following the end of an emergency declared by the Governor of Oregon for out-of-state PAs who held a temporary authorization during the declared emergency (see
OAR 847-010-0066).
AC Limited License, Visiting ProfessorThe AC Visiting Professor License limits the acupuncturist's practice to the necessary duties of a teaching position in an Oregon school of acupuncture. This license can be granted for a maximum period of one year and may be issued again for two additional, consecutive years (see
OAR 847-070-0038).
AC Limited License, Pending ExaminationThe AC Pending Examination License allows an acupuncturist who has not yet passed the NCCAOM certifying examination to obtain clinical training under the supervision of a Board-approved clinical supervisor. This license is granted for a maximum period of six months or until grade results are available, whichever is shorter (see
OAR 847-070-0037).
AC Visiting Acupuncturist (Needling Privileges)An AC Visiting Acupuncturist is not a license but an approval for temporary practice. The approved out-of-state acupuncturist may demonstrate acupuncture needling for a period of ten days, no more than three times a year, as part of a seminar, conference, or workshop (see
OAR 847-070-0033).