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Public Records

Please read through the information on this page to learn about the request process.

Some commonly requested files may already be published and available on our website (see Commonly Requested Records below).

If you are looking for a status update or copy of your Alcohol Server Permit contact:  If you are looking for a status update or copy of your Marijuana Worker Permit, please contact

OLCC will estimate the fee for your request. Do not send any money until OLCC has reviewed your request, estimated the cost, and sent you an invoice.

Many marijuana-related records are exempt from disclosure under ORS 475C.517. The OLCC does not release the following:
  • Addresses of producers, processors, and wholesalers
  • Information relating to security and operational plans
  • Information the Commission has determined is proprietary, such as a licensee's data in the Cannabis Tracking System (METRC).
Other statutory redactions are made according to ORS 192.340

To request public records, use the blue linked button below. 

This list contains documents that OLCC frequently receives request for; some of these documents are already available through our website and are linked for your convenience.

  • All requests must include:
    • The name of the person requesting the public record;
    • Requestor's affiliation (the name of a Media outlet, Legal firm, Agency/Legislator, Academic institution, Non-Profit, or “General Public")
    • The telephone number, e-mail address and mailing address for the person requesting the public record;
    • A date-range for the requested records;
    • A list of specific persons, licenses, entities, or keywords relating to the request; and
    • A sufficiently detailed description of the record(s) requested to allow the OLCC to search for and identify responsive records.
    • Please Note: The more detailed and narrow your request, the lower the fee and the more likely it can be fulfilled quickly​​
  • The request form is the best method to submit your request. However, a request containing the details noted may be sent by e-mail to
  • ​Subpoenas and Written Correspondence address:
    • OLCC, Attn: Records Requests, PO Box 22297, Portland, OR 97269
    • OLCC does not waive service requirements for subpoenas.  If you have questions about serving a subpoena for records, please contact

  • ​After your request is submitted, you will be contacted by OLCC staff within five business days acknowledging receipt of your request and assigning a Public Records Request (PRR) number.
  • If the scope of the request is overly broad or unclear, OLCC staff may request additional clarification before responding to the request.  Please be detailed and narrow of scope in your initial request.
  • If a requester fails to respond to inquiries for clarifications, cost estimates, or any other communication from OLCC within 60 days, the OLCC will close the request.
  • To follow-up on, provide context or clarification, or to withdraw an existing request, reference your PRR number (issued upon confirmation of the request) in the subject line and email:

  • Payment must be made via check (payable to OLCC) or cash.
  • If the estimated fee is $25.00 or less, the OLCC will process your request and prepare it for release.  OLCC will send you an invoice for the fee and will release records once we receive payment.
  • If the estimated fee is greater than $25.00, the OLCC will provide you with written notice of the estimated amount of the fee.
    • In such instances, the public records coordinator will not fulfill the request until receipt of confirmation in writing that the requestor wants to proceed despite the estimated cost.
    • An invoice will be sent upon confirmation of acceptance of the fee and processing of the request will resume upon receipt of payment.
  • If a payment is made and the request is processed under the estimated time, a refund of the balance will be processed.
  • If a payment is made for an estimated processing time invoice and the actual processing time goes over, an amended invoice will be sent for the balance due after the request is processed, before documents are released.
  • Instructions on how to request a Fee Waiver or Fee Reduction will be included with all invoices.
  • Common Fees:
    • Staff labor - $25/hr; first half-hour is waived for intake and evaluation.
    • Legal Review - $75/hr
    • Physical photocopies - $0.25 per page
    • CD/Thumb Drive - $5.00 per unit
    • Documents released by e-mail have no charge assessed - the documents will be sent in PDF format.​