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For All Applicants
Supplemental Forms
Inventory Transfer Request Forms
Notification/Change Forms
Consumer Health and Safety Information
OAR 845-025-2860 requires a Recreational Marijuana Retailer to place certain postings in a conspicuous place and to provide consumer health and safety information with each sale of a marijuana item. All postings must be 17 inches wide by 22 inches high. The marijuana information card must measure 3.5 by 5 inches. You must use the versions of these documents provided by the Commission.
CBD and Consumable Hemp Items: Information on No Sales to Minors
Educate Before You Recreate Poster
Marijuana Information Card (Single)
Marijuana Messaging Card (4x)
Oral Health Cannabis Poster
Poisoning Prevention Poster
Pregnancy Warning Poster
Secure Your Cannabis - Information Cards (4 designs)
Secure Your Cannabis/Asegura Tu Cannabis - Information Cards/Tarjetas de Información ~Spanish/Español (4 designs/bocetos)
Vaping Illness - CDC Recommendations
Marijuana Licensing and Permit Fees
Government Resources
Local Option Opt-Out Form
Labor Peace Agreement
Medical Marijuana
To find information about the medical marijuana program, please visit the OregonHeath Authority's Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) Homepage.
For information specific for medical sites subject to tracking in CTS, visit OLCC's OMMP Tracking Homepage.
OLCC Recreational Marijuana Program Update – January 2019
How to Be Successful with Packaging and Labeling (PDF) – January 2019
How to Be Successful with Packaging and Labeling (PowerPoint) - January 2019
Marijuana Licensee and Applicant Listening Tour (PDF) - Summer 2019
Promotional Events
Promotional Events (Trade Show) Transportation Manifest
Marijuana Promotional Event Application
Cole MemorandumCover Letter on OLCC Marijuana Policy RecommendationsOLCC's Recommendations on Marijuana PolicyOLCC's Statement on Passage of Measure 91Measure 91 - Full TextHouse Bill 34002016 Recreational Marijuana Licensing TimelineOLCC's Written Response to IT Audit News Release
OLCC Reports
Tracking Worksheets
These worksheets are intended to assist registrants and licensees in recording necessary information for tracking information in the cannabis tracking system (CTS or "Metrc.")
Use of these worksheets is not required and they do not replace the requirement to enter information in CTS. They are provided solely as a resource for users to collect all necessary information for tracking activities in CTS.
These forms are fillable electronically through use of Adobe Acrobat Reader or they may be printed and filled by hand.
Worksheet: Clone/Seedling Destruction
Worksheet: Harvest Completion
Worksheet: Harvest Creation
Worksheet: Harvest Waste
Worksheet: Immature to Vegetative
Worksheet: New Package from Harvest
Worksheet: New Package from Package
Worksheet: New Plant Batch
Worksheet: Processor SOPs and Mix Logs
Worksheet: Vegetative to Flower
Worksheet: Vegetative/Flowering Destruction
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