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Reporting Human & Sex Trafficking

Putting an End to Trafficking & Protecting Minors 

Human and Sex trafficking is a horrific crime that requires all Oregonians' attention. All too often, traffickers attempt to operate out of businesses that may have no idea of what is occurring until it is too late. The cannabis and hospitality industries find themselves on the front lines of confronting this tragic issue.

The Oregon Legislature has charged the OLCC with educating licensees and permittees about trafficking and maintaining a reporting system. Licensees and their employees are required to report any suspected human or sex trafficking occurring on a licensed premises to law enforcement and the OLCC. In addition, licensees and their employees are required to report to the OLCC, any reasonable belief that a minor is employed or contracted at the licensed premises in a manner that violates OLCC rules.

Preventing & Reporting

What is trafficking? 

Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked worldwide – including right here in the United States. It can happen in any community and victims can be any age, race, gender, or nationality. Trafficking exists within both the alcohol and cannabis market and can take a variety of forms.

The State of Oregon defines:

  •  “Human trafficking” means the recruitment, enticement, intimidation, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of subjecting the person to involuntary servitude.
  • “Sex trafficking” means the recruitment, enticement, intimidation, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act, including such actions by means of force or fraud.

See Something, Say Something! Make a Report 

Alcohol Service permittees, Marijuana Worker permittees and any employee of an OLCC licensed cannabis business are required to report sex trafficking to local law enforcement and to the OLCC.

If the situation is an emergency or you believe someone is in immediate danger, you should first call 911 and alert the police that you think it might be sex trafficking.

  • To report any suspected trafficking to the OLCC, please file an Online Complaint


How do I recognize sex trafficking? 

There is no evidence that traffickers are more likely to be of a particular race, nationality, gender, or sexual orientation.  Traffickers may be family members, employers, romantic partners, acquaintances, or complete strangers to their victims.

Some common signs a person is being trafficked can include an individual that is:

  • Exhibiting signs of physical abuse and are submissive or fearful.
  • Not allowed speak to an individual alone and their answers appear to be scripted and rehearsed.
  • Living in poor conditions with multiple people in cramped space.
  • Living where they work or are transported by guards between home and the workplace.
  • Living with someone who has a substance use problem or who is abusive.
  • Being controlled by a “pimp" or “manager" in the commercial sex industry.
  • Working in an industry where it may be common to be pressured into performing sex acts for money, such as a strip club, illicit cantina, go-go bar, or illicit massage business.
