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Offer your testimony on Council business

The Council places great value on information received from the public. There are several ways to provide your experience to council discussions.

Speak at a Council meetingProvide Written CommentRead Tips on Effective Public Comment

Speak at a Council meeting

Registration for webinars closes thirty (30) minutes prior to each meeting's start time.

Verbal public hearing testimony is welcome on specific council decisions awarding loans, grants, or funding. Commenters are allotted five (5) minutes per topic unless time is extended by the Chair (ORS 456.561).

In the event public hearing time expires, you prefer to share your testimony in writing, or you have comments regarding other topics that are not on the agenda, please submit your written remarks via email or USPS using the addresses below.

Register for the Meeting Webinar

Submitting written public comment

Written public comments delivered by postal mail must arrive at OHCS at least two business days in advance of the initial day of the meeting to be distributed to the council.

Comments submitted by email must be delivered by 5 p.m. the day before a Council meeting.


Mailing address:
Oregon Housing and Community Services
725 Summer Street NE, Suite B
Salem, OR 97301-1266

Tips for providing public comment

Giving public testimony can be an exciting and fulfilling experience if you are prepared. Your public comments may influence the Commission's action. They also become part of the permanent record and may be used in future research. As you prepare, please consider the following:

Know your audience

The members of the Council are citizens. They care that you have taken time out of your day to testify.

Be respectful. Resist the temptation to scold, put down, or insult the decision makers or other witnesses. This tactic may alienate them from your cause.

Know the issue

Support your personal opinions with facts. Be knowledgeable of the other side of the story. You may be asked to discuss the differences. Draw from your own knowledge and experience.

Be familiar with the Council

You may want to attend a meeting before you testify to become familiar with the process. The Chair may call elected officials to present first.

Presenting your testimony

When you are called to testify, make sure your microphone is on.

Begin your presentation by addressing the chairperson first, then members of the committee. "Chair___, members of the council..."

For the record, state your name and the organization or group you represent.

Do not read your testimony word for word. Prepare an outline and summarize.

Relax! The members understand that this can be an intimidating experience--they don't expect a perfect presentation.