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Homeless Services Programs

OHCS makes state and federal programs funds available to community action agencies (CAAs) and other providers throughout the state. CAAs develop community-based programs and coordinate the use of the funds to serve their communities. 

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The Community Services Block Grant assists communities for the reduction of poverty, the revitalization of low-income communities and the empowerment of low-income families and individuals to become fully self-sufficient.

CSBG funds are provided by formula to local eligible entities that meet requirements in the Community Services Block Grant Act. Grantees provide services and activities addressing​ employment, education, self-sufficiency, housing, nutrition, healthcare, emergency services and youth or elderly-based initiatives. 

The Emergency Housing Assistance Program assists low or very-low income persons who are homeless or are unstably housed and at risk of becoming homeless.

EHA funds can pay for:
  • Street Outreach
  • Emergency and transitional shelter
  • Transitional housing
  • Rapid re-housing
  • Homelessness prevention
  • Supportive in-home services
  • Data collection
  • Shelter and transitional housing facilities acquisition and rehabilitation/conversion
  • Community capacity building 

The Elderly Rental Assistance Program assists very-low-income seniors who are homeless or are unstably housed and at risk of becoming homeless.

ERA funds can pay for:
  • Transitional housing
  • Rapid re-housing
  • Homelessness prevention
  • Supportive in-home services
  • Data collection
  • Case management and housing stabilization services

Read the program f​actsheet.​​​

The Emergency Solutions Grant Program assists low-income individuals and families quickly regain stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis or homelessness.

ESG funds can pay for:
  • Street outreach
  • Emergency shelter
  • Rapid re-housing
  • Homelessness prevention
  • Data collection 

The Housing Choice Landlord Guarantee Program provides financial assistance to landlords to mitigate damages caused by Housing Choice Voucher (also known as Section 8) tenants or tenants rehoused under a Rehousing Initiative, as a
result of their occupancy.

A landlord may apply for financial assistance to reimburse them for qualifying damages. Program assistance is limited to reimbursement of $500-$5,000. Program assistance may include expenses related to property damage, unpaid rent, or other damages satisfactorily described and documented in an application from the landlord to Oregon Housing and Community Services. 

The Housing Stabilization Program assists low-income families who are receiving a state Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) grant or who are otherwise eligible and are homeless or are unstably housed and at risk of becoming homeless. 

HSP funds can pay for:
  • Housing-related costs
  • Employment-, transportation- and self-sufficiency-related costs
  • Case management
  • Data collection 

The HOME Tenant Based Assistance Program assists very low-income families to stabilize their housing. 

HTBA funds can pay for: 
  • Refundable security deposits, 
  • Utility deposits, and 
  • Monthly rent and utilities.

The Rent Guarantee Program provide incentives and financial assistance to landlords that rent or lease to low-income households by guaranteeing payments to landlords for unpaid rent and for eviction and property damage costs.

Landlords who have had a tenant vacate or has been evicted due to non-compliance of a lease/rental agreement within the first 12 months of occupancy may submit a claim for reimbursement for unpaid rent and damages that exceed the tenant’s security deposit and up to the limit of the Rent Guarantee Amount.

The State Homeless Assistance Program helps meet the emergency needs of homeless Oregonians by providing operational support for emergency shelters and supportive services to shelter residents. 

SHAP funds can pay for:
  • Street outreach
  • Emergency and transitional shelter facility maintenance and operations
  • Resident support services
  • Data collection
  • Shelter housing facilities acquisition and rehabilitation/conversion 

House Bill 2163​ invests $4.5 million to establish a long-term rental assistance program supporting individuals younger than 25 years old and are transitioning out of foster care, homelessness, behavioral health or treatment facility, or corrections or detention facility. The program will be introduced/piloted in three areas of the state, including one urban area, one rural area, and one coastal area.


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