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Agriculture Workforce Housing

Agriculture Workforce Housing Tax Credit (AWHTC)

The Agriculture Workforce Housing Tax Credit (AWHTC) Program is designed to give a state income tax credit to investors who incur costs to construct, install, acquire, or rehabilitate agriculture workforce housing. The tax credit may be taken on 50% of the eligible costs actually paid or incurred to complete a farmworker housing project. The total amount of available credits for each biennium is $16.75 million. There is a set-aside for on-farm projects of $1.675 per year. One-hundred percent of the credit may be transferred to a contributor of the project.


AWHTC Contact

Martin Jarvis
Program Analyst

AWHFT Contact

Rachel Pallatin
Community Engagement

Cultivating Home

A Study of Farmworker Housing in Hood River, Marion, Morrow, and Yamhill Counties in Oregon

Summary and Español

In December 2017, the Data and Research Subcommittee of the Agricultural Workforce Housing Facilitation Team (AWHFT) recommended OHCS commission an in-depth study to update statewide information on agriculture workforce housing to gain a detailed understanding of the problems with farmworker housing and identify opportunities to meet the housing need.

The study, which focused on farmworker housing in Hood River and Marion, Morrow, and Yamhill counties, found most Oregon farmworkers earn very low wages, many live in poverty, and they have few housing options, often living in poor and overcrowded conditions. Browse the study to learn more.

Agriculture Workforce Housing Facilitation Team (AWHFT)

The Agriculture Workforce Housing Facilitation Team (AWHFT) meets regularly to discuss current issues around farmworker housing, resources available for developing farmworker housing, and how to address the needs of farmworkers in Oregon.

By Oregon statute, OHCS' role is to help facilitate, create a forum, and provide a place for the team to meet and discuss issues affecting farmworkers in Oregon.