This information is intended to serve as a resource to lake managers and others who deal with algae blooms
Advisory Guidelines for Harmful Cyanobacteria Blooms in Recreational Waters
Outlines the Oregon Health Authority criteria for issuing and lifting public health advisories due to cyanoHABs.
Sampling Guidelines for Harmful Cyanobacteria Blooms in Recreational Waters
Provides guidance for lake managers who intend to monitor water bodies when potentially harmful cyanoHABs are detected.
Available Labs for Cyanotoxin Analysis
Contains laboratories and contact information to assist with identifying the types of cyanobacteria present and the toxins they can analyze.
Fast Facts: cyanoHABs Q&A for Water System Operators
Technical overview intended for use by drinking water operators. Provides a general overview of cyanobacteria and what to do if a cyanoHAB and cyanotoxins are detected in source water.
CHAB Guidance for Local Public Health Authorities
Provides comprehensive information on cyanobacteria, cyanotoxins, symptoms, outreach, and how each LPHA can help OHA when blooms are identified in their counties.